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ISRAEL-Ghazali Dibirov Murtuzovich

( Artist)

Comments for ISRAEL-Ghazali Dibirov Murtuzovich
Biography ISRAEL-Ghazali Dibirov Murtuzovich
Born in 1942 in the village Kobosida, Tlyarotinskogo region of Nagorno Dagestan Russia.
In 1975 he graduated from the Moscow Higher School of Industrial Art (former Stroganov).
Since 1976 - Member of the Youth Association of the Union of Artists.
Since 1978 - Member of the USSR Union of Artists.
Member of the Moscow Union of Artists,
member of the Artists Union of Russia,
Member of the International Arts Fund
. Collections where works
. Works are in Tiksi Art Museum,
. Assembly Arts Fund of the USSR,
. Assembly Art Foundation in Moscow,
. Altai Museum of Art,
. Tashkent museum of fine arts
. NOVIKOMBANK and Lesprombanke in Moscow
. Assembly RG Abdulatipov,
. Assembly OE Shandybina,
. Dagestan Museum of Art,
. Assembly Constitutional Court of Russia,
. Museum of Medicine of Russia,
. in private collections in the Baltic countries, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Yugoslavia, Syria, Switzerland, Canada, USA, Australia, Japan, meeting the advertising company Young Rubicam Europe

Participation in exhibitions and auctions

1975 "Design, society, children". International Exhibition. Moscow;
1976 Youth Exhibition. Youth Association of the Moscow Union of Artists;
1976 "Young Artists to travel to the country". Komsomol Central Committee and Moschus;
1977 Tenth Moscow Youth Exhibition. MOSH. Moscow. USSR
1977 Jubilee exhibition of Moscow artists. MOSH. Moscow;
1978 First Exhibition of graphics "Soviet Zone South. Ordzhonikidze. Makhachkala. Artists Union Russia;
1978 Spring exhibition of Moscow artists. MOSH. Moscow;
1978 Autumn Exhibition of Moscow Artists. MOSH. Moscow;
1978 "Moscow Artists travel the country". USSR Union of Artists. Moscow;
1978 "The Union of Art and Labor". MOSH. Moscow;
1980 Moscow Exhibition zonal-80. MOSH. Union of Artists of Russia;
1981 "Autumn 1981". MOSH. Moscow;
1982 "In the land of white gold". Moscow. Tashkent. MOSH. Union of Artists of Uzbekistan. USSR Union of Artists, 1983 All-Union Exhibition of Altai Niva ". Union of Artists of Russia. Moscow. Barnaul;
1983 Creative evening. Artists House. Kuznetsk bridge 11. Moscow;
1983 Personal exhibition. Kirov. p. Moscow;
1984 "Land and People". MOSH. USSR Union of Artists. Moscow;
1984 "Industry". Moscow. Zelenograd. MOSH. Areas of the USSR Union of Artists;
1985 Exhibition of works of Moscow artists;
1986 Zonal exhibition of Moscow artists "Interpraysis & Vermeer";
1992 Personal exhibition. MVNPP. "Nekton", IHP, "Mage. Moscow;
1994 "Rebirth". Moscow;
1996 Personal exhibition. Central House of Artists. Moscow;
1996 "Solar Square. Moscow;
1996 "Christmas in Moscow". Moscow;
1996 Personal exhibition. Gallery "Art of Interior". Moscow;
1996 "Russian Collection";
1997 "Aesthetics of erotica". Moscow.

Autobiographical notes

"Art - a sign hovering mind, and the artist of his guide."
I was born in the mountains of Dagestan in the village Kobosida June 15, 1942. From childhood I was close to the sky and saw all the grandeur and might of the mountains, mountain nature, saw the free flight of an eagle, I know that this unity with nature. Of great importance for the formation of me as a creative personality played a culture of family, the relationship between father and mother, all sincerity and naturalness of their relationship with each other and to our children. I was the ninth son of his parents, lives with his brothers and sisters taught me how to live with people, be part of society, to feel their work with them to take their problems as their. The beauty of the nature of their native land and air from her childhood years, aroused in me a desire to be a creator, from school, I knew that I was an artist. For art education, I went to Moscow. From the little mountain village I found myself in a large metropolitan international city in the center of the bohemian life of creative people in the world with a completely different culture and traditions. After graduating from the Moscow Higher School of Industrial Art (former Stroganov), I began working as a professional artist, and workshops, where I worked, most were in the basement. To me, people came from different social groups, it was a lot of creative people: artists, poets, artists, musicians, and instead of the measured wisdom of living in the highland village, came bohemian full of passion and contradictions of life. It's a combination of mountains and the basement, wisdom, calm and passionate storms have formed my style and characteristics of my art. Combining the two cultures, two ways of life, an understanding of two religions, have expanded and enriched my creative language. The main theme of my works are people, their relationship with the world, with nature, space
. Vzimoproniknovenie two cultures in my mind opredilili form and content of my work, . prohibition in Islam on the image instilled in me a love and understanding to the ornament and abstraction, . and understanding of European art to the philosophical interpretation of the product,
. I work in different fields of art, including the design, but my favorite kinds of art is painting and graphics.
The schedule I am working in a variety of techniques, but my favorite technique is ink, pen and autolithography. It lithographs in this synthesis of two cultures, most pronounced in the form and content. Ornamental form and philosophical content characteristic of my works. I worked for his work sign system that reflects my understanding of life, its philosophy, the complexity of the relations of love and evil, optimism and nihilism. The technique of painting, I apply a broad stroke technique and glaze with a detailed residence permit, it gives me the opportunity to express more accurately the world of my visions and sensations. The synthesis of styles: Surrealism, abstract art, hyper-realism, expressionism, realism, organically vtekli in my texture creation, giving me the freedom to express my ideas, but their origins are mythology, parables, historical events and the vision.
I worry about ranye topic and one of them - this is war. The laws of humanity are between morality and immorality, and unfortunately people for twenty centuries of a new era could not learn how to avoid bloodshed. Therefore, all the aggressive part of my work is directed against the war and the dictates. ( "Gorgon-XX", "Divorce", "History-XX "...)
Another interesting topic for me, this is - Woman. I realized that women, unlike men - is a different planet, so that it is difficult to call a woman a man wants to find her more beautiful word. ( "Rose", "Salome," "Erin", "Penza", "Judith").
. I, . Finally, . important place in my life and work is the question, . - What art is and who is hudozhnikN I think, . that regardless of the genre of art, and regardless of the type of creativity, . Art and the artist - are the emotional and spiritual part of society,
I feel great happiness from the fact that I'm an artist, I love the people and the planet, the microcosm and the cosmos ...


Dibirov Israel - an artist of poetic metaphors, is fluent in not only color, how much light. It autolithography "Dagestan", . "City", . "Nest", . "Dance" and some other top light predominates, . through skillful organization list, . representing in each case, rhythmic music, or rather the unity of lines and spots,
Generally, it seems to me that the best possible image Dibirov Izrailov abstract and imprecise. His native of Dagestan - is, of course, not an abstract concept but as a concrete ground and country of ancient culture. But apparently there is a mountain in an infinite space of something that does not tolerate excessive detail and naturalism, and accordingly, the inspiration for graphic-free flights in dreams and reality.

V. Meyland 20/02/1997.

... Gaza Dibirov Israel - is the new star of the Caucasus, which illuminates the art of original and yet the national philosophical vision of the world masters. Each painting Dibirov is a prayer and song, this is love and hatred, but hatred, directed against evil and human imperfection, ignorance and despair. Each piece of the artist, it is not just paint a picture and philosophical treatises that can not write, do not feel about his unique world, its people, homeland and humanity ...

RG Abdulatipov, a member of the State Duma, Doctor of Philosophy, Academy.

... Creativity Gaza Dibirov Izrailov compare with the space music, music of the universe. As a myriad of stars, the works of the artist's many faces, varied and numerous, but at the same time, as space constitute a single living organism. In an era epotazhnosti art Gaza Dibirov kept clean and high purpose of art as a healer ...

Olga Guryanova, sculptor
. Bibliography
. B. Bhutan "Designer of the village Kobosida", newspaper Dagestan Pravda, 26 May 1977, P.3;
. On the artist's studio Izrailov ", newspaper" Evening Moscow ", 6.03.1976;
. "Journey young artists: Dibirov Israel," the almanac "Wind of wanderings", 1979, p.3-4;
. Yu Dyuzhenko "show the young", the newspaper Moskovsky artist ", 13/05/1983;
. I. Shevarakova "Happiness creativity", the newspaper "Moscow artist, 9/12/1983;
. AL Chistyakov "exhibition on display, the newspaper" Labor Glory ", 15/12/1983;
. Kulagin on our friends the artists, "the newspaper" Moscow artist, 13.01.1984;
. D-G Dibirov "In Moscow dagestantsev" newspaper "Red Flag", 25/06/1987;
. M. Shamhalov Mountain village, "the newspaper" The road to the light ", 25/06/1987;
. D-G Dibirov "Artist of Kobosida", newspaper "Red Flag", 25/12/1986;
. M. Aydunbekov "The house in which we live, weekly Dagestan Pravda, 25.08.1990, p.11;
. M-P Gamzatov "At Taganke Dagestan Painting", a weekly "New business";
. B. Tokbolatova "We all consist of each other", "Trade Union Tribune" N 8, 28.2.1992, p. 8;
. M. Mackiewicz "Black Sun-Ghazali Dibirov", journal "Echo of the Caucasus", N 3, 1994;
. Yu Bychkov, Moscow Highlander "newspaper" Arguments and Facts ", 17.04.1996, p.13;
. Y. Arsenin Light whiter than white ", the newspaper" Moscow news ", 9.04.1996, p.7;
. O. Gur'yanova "Under the auspices of the Congress of the mountaineers, the newspaper Dagestan Pravda, 15.05.1996, P3;
. U. Umakhanov Light whiter than white ", the newspaper" Truth ", 27/08/1996, C1, 4, 5;
. A. Magomedov, "Art is a sign of hovering mind", the newspaper Dagestan truth ", 12.10, 1996, p. 4;
. E. Lytovchenko "Aesthetics of erotica," the newspaper "Evening Moscow", 15.12.1996, p.8;
. V.Han-Magomedov, "Art is the contact and communication with the universe," the newspaper "Novaya Gazeta Caucasian" N 3 / 11, 1996, p.7;
. MTC, the heading "Together", "The Artist G-D of Israel" 1995;
. RTR (opening a personal exhibition), 11/04/1996;
. 2x2, heading "Sapete", "Central House of Artists, an artist of Israel," April 1996;
. "Vesti", "About", 12/04/1996;
. 2x2, Category "Art", April 1996;
. RTR "Morning Express, February 19, 1997;
. RTR "Morning Express", 1997;
. Radio Russia ", 111 channel," Evenings on the Street
. Kachalova "," About the artist Mr. D Izrailov ", 24/05/1992;
Radio Mayak, "The Artist G-D of Israel, 11/04/1996.

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ISRAEL-Ghazali Dibirov Murtuzovich, photo, biography
ISRAEL-Ghazali Dibirov Murtuzovich, photo, biography ISRAEL-Ghazali Dibirov Murtuzovich  Artist, photo, biography
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