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Bajdukov George

( Hero of the Soviet Union)

Comments for Bajdukov George
Biography Bajdukov George
(26. 5. 1907 - 28. 12. 1994)

B aydukov George Filippovich. Born May 26, 1907 at the junction Taryshta now Tartar district of Novosibirsk region. Russian by nationality. With 9 years of vagabond. Then brought up in boarding Baraba (Novosibirsk region), but after 2 years was excluded from the. Again vagabond. Since 1921 worked as a construction worker on the Siberian Railway. In 1926 he graduated from the Omsk railway proftehshkolu.

In the army since 1926. In 1926 he graduated from the Leningrad military-theoretical school Air Force in 1928 Б?  Kachin military pilots aviatsionnuyushkolu. He served as a fighter pilot in the Air Force line units.

In 1931-1934 Б?  Test Pilot Research and Testing Institute, Air Force (NII VVS). Since 1934 he studied at the College of Engineering Air Force Academy named after NE Zhukovsky. Seconded the spring of 1935 from the academy to prepare for the fly on the trans-ANT-25. Initially, in August 1935 as part of the crew SA Levanevskogo participated in an attempt to flight, which was interrupted due to technical problems. Then proceed with further testing ANT-25.

. From 20 to 22 July 1936 at the ANT-25 in kachestvevtorogo pilot (commander Б?  VP Chkalov, . navigator Б?  AV Belyakov) made a nonstop flight from Moscow through the Arctic Ocean, . Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on Udd Island (now Chkalova Б?  island at the mouth of the Amur) and stretches 9374 km.,

. W tion of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin George Philipovich Baydukova awarded July 24, 1936 for their courage and heroism in the performance of this non-stop flight.

. From 18 to 20 June 1937 at the ANT-25 as part of the same crew made a nonstop flight from Moscow to the North Pole Б?  Б?  Vancouver (USA) 8504 km long.

. Since 1937 - the test pilot and / Factory N22 (Moscow); experienced serial bomber SB and Pe-2, took part in testing the aircraft DB-A
. May 14, 1937, together with co-pilot NG Kastanaevym the plane DB-A aircraft set a world speed record flight, the 2000-km closed route with cargo 5000 kg, equal to 280.246 km / h.

. Member of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940 as commander of the aviation group.

. In August-December 1941 was the government's mission to the United States on the acquisition of American aircraft.

. In Private World War II: From January 1942 Б?  deputy commander of the 31-th Composite Air Division (Kalinin Front), . Air Force commander, 4-th shock army, . commander of the 212 th (May 1943 - 4-th Guards) Attack Air Division,
. From January 1944 - Commander of Attack Air Corps. Participated in the liberation of Kiev, Belarus, in the East-Prussian operation, the release of Gdansk, crossed the Oder.

Fter the war Б?  commanding positions in the Air Force. In 1947-1949 Б?  Head of the GVF. The autumn of 1947 took part in the trials of passenger aircraft Tu-70. In 1949-1952 Б?  zamestitelnachalnika Research Institute of the Air Force Flight. In 1951 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff. Since 1952 Deputy Б? , 1 st Deputy Chief of Staff of Air Defense Forces at a special technique. In 1957-1972 Б?  Head 4-th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, a member of the Military Council of National Air Defense Forces. Б?  Since 1972, Chief Scientific Adviser, Air Defense Forces. Б?  Since 1988, retired. Lived in Moscow. Member of the Writers' Union. Colonel General of aviation (1961), Test Pilot Class 1 (1940). Winner of USSR State Prize (1970). Awarded 2ordenami Lenin, . Order of the October Revolution, . 4 Orders of the Red Banner, . Order of Kutuzov 1 st and 2 nd degree, . 2 orders of Suvorov 2 nd degree, . Order of the Patriotic War, 1 st and 2 nd degree, . Orders of Red Banner of Labor, . Peoples Friendship, . 4 Orders of the Red Star, . Б•  orders For Service to Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces Б•? 1-st, . 2 nd and 3 rd degree, . medals, . foreign awards (Cavalier largest number of medals of the USSR Б?  22-x).,

. The name of the street are in Moscow, Vitebsk, Mogilev and Donetsk
. In his honor was renamed the island of Langres in the Sea of Okhotsk (near the island of Chkalov). Honorary Citizen of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur.

Works: Our flight to America. M., 1937; Notes Pilot. Moscow, 1938; stories of different years. Moscow, 1983; Chkalov. M., 1991, etc.

In action 28 December 1994. He was buried in Moscow, the Novodevichy cemetery.

Biography provided by A. Simonov

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Bajdukov George, photo, biography Bajdukov George  Hero of the Soviet Union, photo, biography
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