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Yuri Belenko Nikitich

( Corresponding Member of the Russia Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russia Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, chief cardiologist at the RF Health Ministry, Dir)

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Biography Yuri Belenko Nikitich
Born February 9, 1948 in Leningrad. Father - Belenkov Nikita Yurevich (1917-1986). Mother - Marina Koval Timofeevna (1924 g.rozhd.). Wife - Belenkova Natalia (1964 g.rozhd.). Son - Nikita Yurevich (2000 g.rozhd.).

In the medical environment Yuri Nikitich Belenkov was from childhood. His father, Nikita Yuryevich Belenkov - famous Soviet physiologist, . Corresponding Member of Academy of Medical Sciences (1969), . after the end of the biological faculty of Leningrad University, worked and taught in medical schools, . first in Leningrad, . then Gorky, . where from 1955 to 1974 headed the Department of normal physiology of the Gorky Medical Institute and Department of normal physiology in the 1-m Leningrad Medical Institute and the name,
. P. Pavlova. N.YU. Belenkov was a great scientist, neurophysiologist, whose work is widely known not only in our country but also abroad. He has made a significant contribution to the science of brain activity. In 1995, the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy was introduced a grant of N.YU. Belenkova.

Yuri Belenkov schooling began in Leningrad, and graduated in Gorky in 1966. Select Medical Institute as though it were obvious, however, parents do not exert any pressure. The decision was made independently and consciously, although there was an alternative - the historical faculty of the University. Passion for history, especially history of religion, it remains for life.

In 1972, Yu.N.. Belenkov graduated with honors from medical faculty of the Gorky Medical Institute named after SM. Kirov, with the specialty cardiologist.

Already in the institute he became interested in heart disease, he published the first scientific work in the field of cardiology. This predetermined the decision to enter the clinical internship Cardiology Institute named AL. Myasnikov Academy of Medical Sciences. In residency, under the direction of Corresponding Member of Academy of Medical Sciences NM. Muharlyamova, he began to deal with chronic heart failure. Already preparing the first publication on the treatment, . but there was a sharp turn in his scientific fate - in 1973 the directorate of the Institute he was instructed to learn and implement into clinical practice a new instrumental method - echocardiography, . virtually unknown at that time in the country,
. This decision was taken, probably because even in his student years Yu.N.. Belenkov in functional diagnosis of heart disease at the department of Professor A.P. Matusovoy addition, he is fluent in English, which helped to explore the world experience in this field.

In January 1974 in the journal "Cardiology" was published first in the USSR article on the clinical application of echocardiography. In the same year without a post-graduate he was recruited to the Institute of Cardiology behalf AL. Myasnikov junior researcher. In 1975, Yu.N.. Belenkov master's thesis on the topic: "Identifying early signs of heart failure and some mechanisms of compensation for coronary heart disease". The basic method of research in echocardiography was.

In 1976, Yu.N.. Belenkov became a senior research fellow and combined clinical and diagnostic work. In those years he was fascinated by space cardiology, took an active part in the survey of astronauts and the creation of a home ultrasound equipment, including equipment for the orbital space station. In 1978, together with his colleagues, he was awarded the Lenin Komsomol prize "For the development and introduction of ultrasonic methods for the study of the heart"

. In 1980, for development and introduction into medical practice of modern methods of diagnosing early stages of heart failure, the mechanisms of their development, preventing and treating it with a group of authors was awarded the USSR State Prize
. In 1981 he co-authored with Professor NM. Muharlyamovym his first book of ultrasonic diagnosis in cardiology. In 1982 he defended a doctoral thesis: "Characteristics of intracardiac hemodynamics in patients with circulatory failure of various etiology". For the first time the country had begun work on a clinical study of diastole of the heart, local contractility of the left ventricle, Clinical Pharmacology.

However, the scientific fate in store new sharp turn. During these years, began a long-standing cooperation Yu.N.. Belenkova with an outstanding cardiologist, Academician E.I. Chazov, who became CEO he established at the Institute of Cardiology-Union Cardiology Research Center (VKNTS) Academy of Medical Sciences. Academician E.I. Chazov invited Yu.N.. Belenkova create and lead a laboratory for a completely new direction in the study of the heart - MRI. Then the same was offered - to become deputy general director of the Center for Science. Since then, Yu.N.. Belenkov leading scientific, clinical and administrative activities. In 1984 he was released first in the USSR article MRI of the heart in the clinic and experiment, build more research plans, but the academic E.I. Chazova appointed by the Minister of Health of the USSR, and Yu.N.. Belenkov becomes general manager VKNTS Academy of Medical Sciences. Within three years of research and clinical work is combined with the leadership of a great scientific institution.

In 1989, for developing methods of echocardiographic diagnosis and control of the cardiovascular system and their introduction into health care practice ". Yu.N.. Belenkov receives a second State Prize. Again, the loop in the trajectory of life: from the Academy of Medical Sciences he was elected people's deputy of the USSR, and he became deputy chairman of the Supreme Soviet Committee on Health. Within three years he has engaged in political and legislative activity. During this period he serves as one of the sponsors of legislation for compulsory health insurance. At the same time on a voluntary basis and continued to lead the Institute of Cardiology behalf AL. Myasnikov.

From 1991 to present, Yu.N.. Belenkov is the director of the Institute, member of the Cardiology Research Industrial Complex Ministry of Health of Russia. He returned to his beloved scientific direction - chronic heart failure. Working hard on modern methods of treatment based on medical evidence, continue to work on the clinical study of diastole, myocardial viability, quality of life and prognosis of patients with heart failure. Started research on pulmonary hypertension, clinical physiology of the heart.

In 1993 he was elected a corresponding member of RAMS, in 1999 - academician of RAMS, and in 2000 - corresponding member of RAS. Yu.N.. Belenkov holds the title of Honorary Member of the Academy of Medicine of Colombia (1989).

Over 30 years of work at the Institute of Cardiology Yu.N.. Belenkov created a school of specialists on heart failure. Under his supervision 19 doctoral and 36 master's theses, many of his students work as leaders of scientific and clinical institutions in our country, in the near and far abroad. They created the country's first Society for heart failure and self-titled magazine, whose editor he is.

Yu.N.. Belenkov - by more than 460 scientific publications including 11 monographs published in this country and abroad. The most important publications: "Ultrasonic diagnosis in cardiology (1981), . "Practical echocardiography" (1982), . "Ultraschalldiagnostik kardiovaskularer Erkrankungen" (1983), . "Clinical application of magnetic resonance imaging with contrast enhancement,
. Experience of using paramagnetic means "(1996), . "Drug ways to improve the prognosis of patients with chronic heart failure (data from 20-years of observation)" (1997), . "MRI in the diagnosis of diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary and adrenal glands" (1997), . "Magnetic resonance imaging of the heart and blood vessels" (1997), . "Primary pulmonary hypertension" (1999), . "The principles of rational treatment of heart failure" (2000).,

. Over the years, Yu.N.
. Belenkov is the chief editor of the journal "Cardiology", member of the editorial boards of the journals "Therapeutic archive", International Journal of Medical Practice, the Russian edition of "Circulation", "European Journal of Heart Failure". He is a member of the Working Group of the European Society of Cardiology.

Continuing to lead a great social activity, Yu.N.. Belenkov is the principal cardiologist Public Health Ministry, a member of many committees and commissions of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Science, Academy of Medical Sciences and other organizations. Included in the Bureau Rossiyskogo Society of Cardiology and the Association of Cardiologists of the CIS.

For services to the scientific and clinical activities Yu.N.. Belenkov awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples (1988) and the Order of Honor (1998), medal "In memory of the 850 anniversary of Moscow, has received awards from foreign states.

For many years, Yuri Nikitich keen on driving a car. In classical music preference Rachmaninoff, Grieg, as well as classic jazz (Cole Porter, Earl Garner). His favorite writers are to. Paustovsky, M. Bulgakov, A. Conan Doyle. In sports highlights biathlon and volleyball.

Lives and works in Moscow.

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Yuri Belenko Nikitich, photo, biography
Yuri Belenko Nikitich, photo, biography Yuri Belenko Nikitich  Corresponding Member of the Russia Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russia Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, chief cardiologist at the RF Health Ministry, Dir, photo, biography
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