The Communists propose to raise at the OSCE PA, the issue of the rights of the child in Ukraine
A member of the Department of the state Duma on problems of family, women and children Olga Alimova (Communist party) proposes to raise at the parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for security and cooperation in the European Union (OSCE PA), the issue of the rights of the child in the combat area in Ukraine.
Summer session of the Assembly will be held in Helsinki from 5 to 9 July.
Alimov, member of the Russian delegation to the OSCE PA, intends to file a petition (available at the disposal of RIA Novosti) the President of the delegation, the speaker of the state Duma Sergey Naryshkin.
Monitoring Group on the rights of the child in the East of Ukraine was created in the spring of 2015 on the initiative of the head of the Union of volunteers of Russia Yana Lantratov. Its membership includes the Commissioners of the presidential Council on human rights, the Public chamber of the Russian Federation, the state Duma and the Federation Council. The group also collaborates with the office of the Commissioner on the rights of the child under the President of the Russian Federation.
"I beg You to take measures to enable the main theses of the report of the monitoring group in the list of those who officially announced the delegation of Russia in the framework of the parliamentary Assembly, and to submit for valaisiana PA OSCE draft decision calling for strict observance by the conflict parties of fundamental rights of the child in Ukraine ", - said in a statement.
Alimov informs that from may 30 to June 1, Authorized the monitoring team visited the Donetsk and Lugansk, to collect information about received damage in the process of conflict children and violations of the rights of the child in the field. They visited hospitals, schools and kindergartens, as well as basements and air-RAID shelter in the line of military operations, where the citizens have to live for a year.
Before the end of June planned another trip to the Donbass for the completion of this report, data update. Will be prepared a comprehensive document on the situation of children's rights in the area of armed conflict in Ukraine, which will include data on humanitarian needs of Donbass and other data of direct interest to the international community, stressed the people's Deputy.
"All data collected will be compiled in a report and sent to the presidents of Russia and Ukraine in the Committee of the United Nations on the rights of the child, the European court of human rights, the presidents of the European Council and the European Commission. We also consider it necessary to convey objective information about the situation in the Donbas To all delegations of the OSCE parliamentary Assembly, " writes people's choice.
Alimov reminds that Russia has a positive experience this exchange of information with international organizations.
"In the fall of 2014, the Russian delegates showed through the work of the Assembly a report about the tragedy in Odessa on may 2, which caused a wide resonance. We believe it important to continue the practice of providing truthful information To the international brotherhood along the lines of the OSCE PA, " emphasizes people's choice.
as long as the delegation of Russia wants to bring up at the meeting of the summer session of the OSCE PA five draft resolutions relating to the illegality of sanctions against parliamentarians of member countries of the Organization, creating mechanisms for the prevention of a coup, the fight against neo-Nazism, protection of correspondents and the significance of the victory of anti-Hitler coalition in world war II.
Draft resolutions have the opportunity to be considered at the meeting of the Assembly if they would support at least 20 members of the OSCE PA from More than 4 countries.