PACE has no accurate data on the number of missing in the Donbas
STRASBOURG, 25 Jun-RIA Novosti, Kristina Luna Rodriguez. PACE Rapporteur on the problem of missing persons in Ukraine Jim Sheridan said that the organization does not have precise data on the number of missing in the conflict area in Eastern Ukraine.
"We don't even know the real number of disappeared persons in Ukraine. But this number goes up, it is crystal clear, " said Sheridan, presenting its own report.
according to his statement, " We are currently talking about presumably 1330 persons who are missing are data that are collected by the authorities of Ukraine ".
As explained Sheridan, to solve this problem we need a " comprehensive approach ", which must be developed at the governmental level. The process required to connect volunteer and humanitarian organizations.
The families of the missing people, showed Rapporteur should be given social, financial and emergency medical care.