Aksenov: the start of the second leg of the power bridge to Crimea earlier possible dates
The head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov said that the launch of the second leg of the first stage of the power bridge from the Krasnodar region on the Peninsula is scheduled before the above deadlines.
"at present the 1st stage to start the second line, which will be quite short-term, seven to ten days - the ceiling. Most likely, earlier all it will be, " said Aksenov at the meeting of the headquarters for emergency destruction.
This Aksenov ordered to create before the start of the second phase of the power bridge, which is scheduled for the 1st half of 2016.
The power system of the Crimea more than a week worked in stand-alone mode, afterward as the night of November 22, as a result of undermining 2 the transmission towers in the South of Ukraine. In Crimea and Sevastopol, imposed a state of emergency, schedules of emergency outages, boiler houses and businesses to conserve electrical energy were stopped.
the head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin arrived in the Crimea from the Krasnodar region through the Kerch Strait, which gave the Peninsula a further 230 MW, until December 20 will be another 230 megawatts that will allow us to significantly reduce the shortage of electrical energy. The second phase will provide an opportunity to increase the power flow to 800-840 MW - its completion is expected until the summer of 2016.
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