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The US Admiral said Russia's efforts to justify the application on the continental shelf in the Arctic

Russia has taken a lot of effort to substantiate his application to the UN for extension of continental shelf limits in the Arctic, said Commissioner of the United States for the Arctic Admiral Robert Papp.
"Russia is doing everything that needs to document its application. Russia has shown that it will not violate the Convention of United Nations on international Maritime law ", ? quotes his words RIA " Novosti ". Papp said that Russia's bid might intersect with the interests of Canada and Denmark, before Moscow was already engaged in dialogues with Norway to settle such questions." Until now they did everything right According to the Convention of United Nations on international Maritime law ", ? he added. Russia in early August, submitted to the UN a revised petition for the extension of the limits of the continental shelf in the Arctic due to the addition of the Lomonosov ridge and other entities that have a continental nature. Russia since 2001, claims to be rich in hydrocarbons section of the shelf, including the Lomonosov ridge and Mendeleev ridges, but its application was rejected due to a lack of information. Fresh expedition to the North pole, seismic and geological and geophysical studies in the Arctic ocean for the study of the geological nature of the Mendeleev and Lomonosov ridge and the bathymetric survey took more than 10 years.
in the capital of Russia said that for the Arctic " unfolds important battle ", but it until not beyond the powers of the virtual, though " the players are very serious ". The international legal status of the Arctic spaces has long been a matter of dispute, mainly between the USA, Canada, Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. The 1st and foremost, the story is about accessories underwater Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridges, where, according to outcome studies, may contain about 12% of all world reserves of black gold. Undiscovered potential resources of the areas under consideration ? 4, 9 billion tons of conditional fuel. Papp also said that the aggravation of tension in relations between the US and Russia not to affect the interaction of 2-States while working at the Arctic Council." Despite the increased tensions and the fact that we hold steadfast claims about aggression in Ukraine, our business during the Arctic Council continued in the spirit of cooperation ", Greg said Papp." I am very pleased, as Russia interacted with us on Affairs of the Arctic Council, and I am sure, because it will continue ", ? he added. The US special envoy for the Arctic also expressed hope that the Russian Federation will continue to support the state of the environment in the Arctic regardless of what equipment will be there to apply. The Arctic Council ? intergovernmental "high level forum" for cooperation of the Arctic countries to coordinate their actions to ensure sustainable development of the region, protection of natural factors, preservation of culture, traditions and languages of indigenous peoples of the North. Established on 19 September 1996 in Ottawa (Canada) the eight Arctic States: Denmark, Iceland, Canada, Norway, Russia, USA, Finland and Sweden.

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