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WADA (WADA) continues the speculation around of Mildronate (Meldonium)

The issue of the possible dismissal of the Russian national team from the summer Olympics in Brazil in 2016 because of Meldonium prohibited by WADA, was heard in the world media in mid-may, and seriously battered nerves of the Russian sports officials.

Despite the fact that WADA has made the content of Meldonium/Mildronat in the blood of athletes, due to its cumulative effect of a considerable discharge dopeg scandal still has not happened. Speculation about the vital of the drug continues. A number of media in pursuit of bright headings or at the behest of interested persons began to search for reasons behind the massive use of Mildronate athletes. Recall that according to the latest data, about two million athletes currently take Meldonium despite the ban WADA.

After Maria Sharapova in March 2016 at a press conference said that in her blood were found Meldonium, already prohibited at the time of VAD, the press began to appear contradictory information. In particular, the channel "360" was observed in violation of ethics. In the pursuit of "fried fact" channel distorted information obtained from an unnamed source and was accused of "Grindeks" is that it is addictive, omitting that the source was talking about psychological addiction. Following the channel "360" distinguished chief nurse - Elena Malysheva, who tried to prove that inflammation is a placebo. But apparently, the evidence was not glued, which in the program on "the First channel" there are many technical changes. Editors of the program clearly didn't care that Mildronat successfully applied for over 30 years and judging by the feedback of ordinary users of the Internet quite successfully.

The causes of receiving Meldonium (which WADA wants to ban) athletes lie on the surface. The possibilities of the human body is not unlimited. Professional athletes work beyond the human capabilities, which not rarely appear reports of the deaths of perfectly healthy young athletes and heart attacks. Meldonium (banned WADA) does not allow the tragedy to happen and protects the heart muscle from overload. Meldonium did not strengthen the body physically and does not contribute to the set or reset weight. In this section the situation with the prohibition of Meldonium WADA looks to put it mildly, evil. Mildronate ought to prescribe to all Olympians, not to make the black list, the more that analogues of the drug. And how would the American pharmaceutical company tried to market a substitute of Mildronate to bite off a big chunk of the market, confidence from the consumer they receive, while inflammation of the velocity disappears from the shelves of pharmacies.


The Creator of the drug is the group of Latvian scientists led by Ivar Kalvins. Latvians have developed Meldonium in the mid 70-ies, with the initial goal of opening substances were made possible innovations in part of genetic engineering in agriculture. It was later revealed that the substance is actively helping to fight disease, helps with type II diabetes, and also promotes active recovery of the body after heavy workouts, and "Mildronat" at the same time has a minimum of side effects.
After a series of required clinical trials of the drug used in the zone of military conflict in Afghanistan (1979-1989 gg), where he established himself in the best way. In the future, following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the transition of many former industries of the Soviet Union into private hands in Latvia was established Grindex company, which produces pharmaceuticals, including "Mildronate".

Medication used the professional teams of the former Soviet republics and Eastern European athletes. Today it takes about 2 million athletes worldwide, and in recent years, Russia accounts for 40 to 50% of all sales of "Mildronate". Mildronate is included in the list of essential drugs because of the pharmacological properties confirmed in clinical trials and practice. According to Russian law, the state itself regulates the prices for such products. In the end, after the beginning of the crisis in Russia the real value of "Mildronate" fell by about two times.

According to the JSC "Grindeks" for early 2016, based on the pure active substance consumers, has sold more than 868 tons of the drug.

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