Transport Minister described two scenarios for the recovery of air travel
The head of the Ministry of transport, Eugene Dietrich announced two predictions in regard to how it will recover the transportation industry in Russia.
according to his statement, the passenger traffic of Russian airlines in the backdrop of a pandemic coronavirus in 2020 in comparison with the previous year could fall by 53, 1% for the optimistic forecast and 75% according to the base.
"ICAO gave us a summary report that shows how the potential have the ability to recover air. There are two possible scenarios: V-shaped recovery, which shows That currently travel air travel almost stopped, " He said.
according to his statement, in this format Russia by the end of the year will be able to recover the monthly volume of traffic in comparison with last year.
"But in General, due to the decline in the middle of the year, the industry potential will lose half of the passenger traffic, which was planned for this year. If we last year moved 128 million passengers in the V-shaped years - about 60 million passengers per year, " said Dietrich.
He noted, as is the optimistic forecast.
With regard to the baseline forecast, It is, According to the Minister, U-shaped.
"We are Some time to lie down and, accordingly, If we begin intensive flying, not in July, and in autumn, in the potential we'll move a quarter of the volume of passenger traffic, which was last year, and finally restore the industry by September of the coming year ", - He concluded.
Pandemic coronavirus has captured almost all countries. According to the who, in the world infected more than 4, 4 million people, of which about 302 thousand died and more than a million cured. Leader in the number of infected and dead from coronavirus is the United States.
today denv Russia has identified more than 272 thousand cases of infection with coronavirus, more than 2 and a half thousand people died, about 63 thousand patients have recovered.
Current information on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager. Of the Russian Federation.
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