Sequel of legendary cartoon of 1960s "Now, wait!"
Aleksey Kotenochkin, the son of the famous multiplier Vyacheslav Kotenochkin, the author of the legendary cartoon serial of 1960s "Now, wait!", is finishing his work on the last fragments of the cartoon "Now, wait!"`s sequel. The cartoon serial is to contain 20 episodes. The director has already presented 19th episode of the cartoon in Moscow Cinema House. Audience?s favorite heroes received new voices: Wolf speaks with parodist Igor Khristenko?s voice, Rabbit speaks with actress Olga Zvereva?s voice. "It was quite a risk to continue my father?s work. I had to make it at least as good", says the director. According to Aleksey Kotenochkin, the sequel must be consistent with the original, so that the audience could perceive it natural and logical. "However, we didn?t try to copy 1960s style. Events are happening at present time, though we didn?t refer on contemporary reality too much"