Specialist in Economics from the US: the US has not yet overcome the recession
Modern state of the American economy and its future prospects as very " dark ", says Professor of Economics at the University of California and a senior research worker of the Hoover institution Does Oganyan. according to his statement, in reality there was no recovery after the recession of 2008-2009." The country does not succeed. We have bottomed out and in fact don't even try to come back, " said Ohanian. According to him, the essence of economic rise - new startups like Microsoft and Apple, Google and Intel, who started his own way in business in 1970-80 years. But today, in the USA there is not a single start-up level of Apple or Microsoft, in General, their number is 30% of the value of 1980, writes America " s Money (translation provided by the Center for current politics). Lee Ohanian criticized opponents of the tax policy of the Obama administration, facing difficult business tasks of expansion and to the hiring of new workers. Corporate tax at 35% - higher than in any other developed country in the world. In the United States was " anti-competitive, hostile business environment, And the government is going in the wrong direction, not improving economic situation. Ohanyan addressed to statistical figures, representing about the fact that fifty percent of successful high-tech start-UPS in the US is talented immigrants. But for the last time all of a smaller number of them wants to come to the USA or to stay here because of unreasoned policy of the Federal government, impeding economic freedom and promote new ideas on the market. At the same time, the national television company of NBC says that with the onset of summer ordinary Americans noticed 2014 they pay more in practice for all that is changing their shopping habits. In grocery stores increased prices for meat, milk and fruit, even a Cup of latte in the coffee shop now costs the American is more expensive than usual. Growth has affected not only the cost of food: because of the turbulent global environment has significantly increased the prices of gasoline, and At this point of time in sight there is no hint of substantial improvement. According to the information Bureau of statistics of the USA, due to rising global demand for beef, poultry and pork, since February, prices in the domestic U.S. market jumped by 4%. The growth of prices for dairy products and fruit seems as inexorable. The Ministry of agriculture of the country has raised its forecasts for growth of prices for both segments this year: for fruits 5-6%, for production of milk - by 3-4%. Usually around the country gallon of fuel (3, 78 liters) rose by 4%. Experts attribute the Growth of retail prices on gasoline with increasing crude Oil prices due to the tense situation in Ukraine, Russia and Iraq. Brent crude oil, which is the international benchmark, rose in price by 6% for the last 3 months. The inter-American reference mark of West Texas Intermediate oil, comparable by its characteristics with Brent, at the same time have risen in price on 5%. The disruption of supplies from Iraq, by results of examination of many economists, have the opportunity to provoke a sharp rise in fuel prices in the USA to 10-15% this year. The American economy is in distress, every penny counts. The increase in fuel prices at 1 cent entails additional spent on consumption 1 billion. Economists fear that at some point, American consumers will not be able to cover the additional cost of fuel and, accordingly, will spend less on other consumer services and goods. Remember, at the end of may the Ministry of trade of the USA for the first time in 3 years has revised downward its estimate of the annual increase of the country's GDP, which tends to decline by 1%. Against this background, the media reported that, according to the opinion survey of a large number of citizens, six out of ten American citizens aged 18 to 34 years clearly imagine your dream, But define it as being beyond their reach. In addition, the poverty line live now 21, 3% of American children and adolescents under the age of 18 years. In may, the press reported that the unprecedented increase the wealth of the ruling class life of wide sections of the U.S. population is determined by poverty and unemployment. And conducted by the University of Michigan USA study found that since the fall of 2008 the richest top of American society, unlike the ordinary American citizens, has restored most of its financial losses.