National projects are on schedule
By words of Russian first vice-premier Dmitriy Medvedev, national projects are realized according to schedule; necessary state decrees about payments within frames of the projects in February have been already prepared and issued.
As a reminder, on September 5 during meeting with leadership of state government, Federal Assembly and members of State Council presidium Russian president Vladimir Putin propounded 4 priority national projects - "Modern health protection", "High-quality education", "Available housing", "Effective agriculture". More than 180 milliards of rubles (taking into consideration non-budget funds and state guarantees) will be spent on realization of national projects.
Profile organizations - Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of health and social development, Ministry of education and science and Ministry of regional development - are in charge of projects` realization; Putin established membership of Council over national projects` realization under president and headed it personally.
For example, within the frames of project in sphere of education state will support talented youth - 5 thousands of individual grants, 60 thousands rubles each, 100 youth projects of 800 thousands rubles have been established. For 2 years 30 Russian institutes of higher education will get 500 millions rubles each, 600 schools of general education - by 1 million rubles.
All goals, formulated within the frames of 4 projects, Dmitriy Medvedev classified on "short" and "long". First class solves problems of payments to separate groups of budget workers, doctors and nurses in particular. Second category operates with tasks of wage increase by 1.5 times in real equivalent and by 2 times in nominal.
Increase of wages will start in 1 quarter of 2006.
Despite some difficulties in realization of national goals, connected with imperfection of administration system, Dmitry Medvedev noticed prerequisites for work. They are favourable macroeconomic situation, necessary financial resources and political stability in the country.
Vice-premier don`t exclude the possibility that culture and science are next in the list of national projects.