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Check Ponte: Ukrainian radicals tried to disrupt the exhibition about the tragedy in Odessa

Ukrainian nationalists tried to disrupt the photo exhibition about the tragedy in Odessa, which opened at the end of June in Madrid. As told the newspaper the SIGHT of the Exhibition Jose Luis Check Ponte, in the hall suddenly broke into the crowd." They are dirty expressed, said All This, they say, is not true that I am a person who " works in Moscow ", - told He.
People in Europe are beginning to realize what is really happening in Ukraine, and who support the authorities of the European Union. Shocking truth about events on may 2 in the Odessa House of trade unions was presented in Madrid. In the capital of Spain at the end of June opened a photo exhibition with per-minute chronology of the terrible events. Those who came to the exhibition are: the horrific images in no way linked with the fact that All This time showed people on European TV channels. Check Ponte Spanish sincerely asks for a minute of silence the memory of the victims of the Odessa Khatyn. This is the opening of the Exhibition and, oddly enough, his personal grief." This exhibition is set to tell the world, tell the Spaniards, all people of the world: " Please stop fascism!", they claimed Check Ponte television channel " Vesti ". He studied in the Soviet Union, in GITIS, went student in Odessa in funny city, who sang in the shower coming actor and Director and another 3 decades, until not happened on may 2." If we are not willing, If we don't show It to all the people of the world, It can again be repeated, " said the Check Ponte. Pain here, and in the truth, in every frame. On the next screen numbers: nearly 50 dead, hundreds injured. In the dim light of the hall - all chronology of Odessa tragedy, minute by minute. The horrific images, some of them, the organizers of the Exhibition in Madrid consciously decided not to print in color. Jose before some shots myself almost crying - you can see How people are driven to the House of trade unions, women on the cornice sought refuge from the fire. At the opening of the Spaniards called witnesses of the tragedy. Considered important. Among them is Sergei marchel." it is necessary that this exhibition was accompanied by the Witnesses, and people directly, pronounced As It happens, He is convinced.- It was the burning of civilians, unarmed, planned action ". According to Jose Luis Check Ponte, its share uninvited guests - Ukrainian radicals staged on June 25." Came the so-called " Ukrainian patriots ", who wanted to ignore the exhibition, said the organizer.- They are dirty expressed, said All This, they say, is not true that I am a person who " works in Moscow ". They wanted the exhibition was closed ". To protect the exposure from Bandera, According to a Cheque Ponte, it helped that in the time of the attack there were a lot of visitors." citizens Thought this behavior is unacceptable. All This was very unpleasant. I said that Spain is a democratic country that I have the right to say whatever I want, " said Cheque Ponte. Ateneo de Madrid is one of the oldest cultural halls of the Spanish capital, with a rich history. Even in the years of the dictator Franco - centre for educational work. Jose wished that the photos were exhibited here. Wished that the young Spaniards died between black and white frames and thought. The first visitors of the Exhibition unwittingly doing so. As reported by the print edition OPINION, at the end of June, " the Hungarian anti-fascist League " (Budapest) and International Association for human rights (Delhi) at the same time opened also in Hungary and India the photo exhibition dedicated to Odessa massacre. The exhibition was prepared in cooperation with human rights defenders of memory of victims of the may 2. One of the organizers of the Exhibition became an activist of Antimiani Oleg Music, which in Brussels before at the invitation of the European Parliament participated in the hearings in Odessa. These hearings also tried to disrupt the Ukrainian radicals.

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