Reason of the ice age found
The huge flood was the main reason of changing the ocean currents in the Northern Hemisphere.
After the researches, analysis of ice made in Greenland scientists came to the decision that during 200 years the temperature came down till 5C.
That time the volume of the lake Agassys was 163000 cubic km. It was twice more the volume of the biggest lake of our times - the Caspian lake.
The lake originated around the ice with the height of 3 km all along the Hudson Bay. At one moment the ice dam burst out and all the water went to the Hudson Bay, and from it to the World Ocean. It took only one year all the water flew out of the lake.
After the water in the lake flew to the Hudson Bay, the amount of its salinity has changed the strength of the ocean stream, which slowed down and caused fall of temperature in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in Europe.