State to lose domestic motor-car industry, declares Zyuganov
The state can lose domestic motor-car industry, stated the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) Gennadi Zyuganov.
"If the state does not support Russian automobile construction, it will lose it" he said on Thursday at the press conference in Nizhni Novgorod.
The two-day visit of Zyuganov is timed to the assigned on 12 March election of the deputies of the legislative assembly of Nizhni Novgorod region. 25 of 50 deputies will be elected on the single-mandate electoral district, the rest - according to the party lists.
Zyuganov said that he sent a letter in the address of Russian government, in which he analyzed the prospects for the development of domestic auto industry. In this case he described about his impressions from the visit of Gorkiy car factory, where, according to Zyuganov, "there is qualified personnel and modern equipment".
The leader of CPRF also asserted, that "the government of Russia does not have industrial policy, therefore in the future the country can become the producer only of raw resources". As an example of the successful development of industry the head of communist party gave Belorussia and China.