The Saturn is found fit for the ocean
A sensational discovery was made by astrologers. In the depths of one of the satellites of Saturn, Mimas found the ocean, which might be suitable for life. These findings researchers made on the basis of the images acquired with interplanetary station "Cassini".
The existence of the ocean inside of Mimosa, which is located at a depth of 24 to 31 km, can be one of the 2 circumstances in which astronomical body sways, turning around Saturn. As the 2 reasons scientists estimate an unusual, elongated, form the core of the satellite.
Similar shocks of a satellite orbiting around a planet, which will affect his own gravitational field, called libration. They are typical not only for Mimosa, but also for many other satellites. However, the amplitude of libration of Mimosa significantly higher than expected.
"If Mimosa actually have the ocean, it will be another highly exciting astronomical body in the Solar system and will be added to the list of bodies that can be life - quotes employee at Cornell Institute of Radwan of Tajeddine RIA Novosti.
Mimas is the smallest and most intimate of the 8 major satellites of Saturn. The satellite was opened in 1789 British astrologer William Herschel and famous crater Herschel on their surfaces, which is almost thirty percent of the diameter of Mimas. In consequence of the crater Mimas on some pictures reminds combat space station "death Star" from the cult mind-blowing Saga "Star wars".