Media: Greek Catholic Church of Ukraine provides the army with armor
Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) takes a direct part in armed conflict, hoping to gain more supporters in the country already torn by contradictions, writes.
Greek Catholic (Uniate) Church retains the Orthodox rites, but recognizes its head the Pope. The vast number of Greek Catholics live in the West of Ukraine, however, the Greek Catholic Church has positioned itself as an all-Ukrainian. But her biggest Ukrainian Church, the Ukrainian Orthodox (self-governing of Moscow Patriarchate) and is not recognized by the international Orthodox Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the so-called Kyivan Patriarchate.
According to the information provided, only 5 months (from March 7 to 23 July this year) Greek Catholic Church for the Ukrainian army had raised almost 1, 5 million (approximately $95 thousand), 26 thousand euros and almost $13 thousand For these tools were purchased body armor, Kevlar helmets, metal helmets, radios, field medical sets, ammunition and equipment.
the magazine cites the opinion of an expert on religious organizations in the former USSR Geraldine Fagan, who considers it possible that the Church uses conflict data for old accounts with the Orthodox churches and strengthen their positions.
in the UGCC sure that their assistance to the party to the armed conflict is a unifying character.
" Our goal is to connect the East and West of Ukraine. Buying body armor for our troops - part of the solution of this problem ", - quotes The Christian Science Monitor, Professor of theology at the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv Peter Terletsky.