"Architect of reconstruction" Alexandr Yakovlev died
Today, October 18 there appeared the information about death of the patriarchy of Russian politics Alexandr Yakovlev.
His short biography.
Alexandr Nikolaevich Yakovlev was born in 1923 year in Korolevo village of Yaroslavl region in the family of peasant. He was at war on Volkhov battle-front and was badly wounded. After the war he graduated from Yaroslavl State teacher`s training college of Ushinskii. He worked as the member of the Party since 1946. He became the member of Politburo of Central Committee of the CPSU (1987). Doctor of historical Science, Corresponding Member of Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Since July of 1985 he was the head of a Department of propaganda of Central Committee of the CPSU, he was an ideologist of Reconstruction ("Perestroika"). He promoted liberalization of soviet press, publication of forbidden works and secret materials. Since 1998 year he was presiding commissioner of rehabilitation of repressions victims.