UOC asks the Council of Europe to respond to attacks on churches of Ukraine
Metropolitan Luhansk and Alchevsk Mitrofan sent to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, as Well as representatives of other European and international human rights organizations letters, where asked to respond to the facts of the attacks on the churches of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, according to a report on the Internet representation of the UOC.
before the UOC many times reported the harassment of clergy and grabs the Orthodox churches in Ukraine, representatives of the schismatic "Kiev Patriarchate" and armed nationalist groups. Also, according to the Ukrainian Church, about 90 temples of the UOC-MP destroyed or received a fracture at the end of hostilities in the South-East of Ukraine.
"in the Metropolitan Mitrofan said about cases, power grabs, arson and attacks on the churches of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, as Well as a separate discriminatory decisions of local public authorities regarding the religious communities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church