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Lyudmila Putin

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 Lyudmila Putin

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  • Pavlova for Lyudmila Putin
  • Hello, esteemed la Lyudmila Alexandrovna, I kindly request: Please read my letter to the end, I, Pavlova Liana (Lena) Nikolayevna Russian, 1947 g.r. Pro-alive in Georgia. Knowing that you are the initiator of the Center of the Russian language, and, therefore, the topic for you non-indifferent to, the risk to ask ... The fact is that the pro-I role in life - a teacher of mathematics. But in 2002, Mr.. me there was a strange case ... My mother is a veteran of World War II, died in terrible agony for almost a year on my pv-tuples. Died without help, without money. I could only help the physi-cal and, tk. She suffered bleeding from the nose, then virtually no sleep we both ... As a result of ill nervous shock, I began to think poetry. To date I have written about 600 poems, poems and fairy tales. For the sake of my poems I learned to work with your computer. A book, illyus on promising them, put in a floppy disk. May take the part in the Literary con-course on the internet and took 3rd place. If you bring up "Pavlova Liana (Lena), you can read a few poems about the Russian language. But the main thing: it's my children's book! I know that now in Russia very few children of Russian poets. I beg you: help me out, give this a children's book! Let it not be lost on my desk in the Gro-diffusion (where no one read it), and when, is the benefit to children. Why do I appeal to you? Because I swore in his dying mother that opub-exultant these poems - because they are written the HN-blood! And probably not for nothing were they given to me over! And a small nuance: the birthday of my mother on January 6! ... With glubochay ed the respect and hope ... Perhaps in our time there are tales ... Lina Pavlova
  • Irina for Lyudmila Putin
  • You simply beautiful zhenschina.Day yuog you happiness and health.
  • amiran for Lyudmila Putin
  • Esli i vpravdu Vi za komp.. a ne KGB Rossii. Ja uje vipil 2 litra gruzinskogo vina i ochen dovolen, . i jizn u menja voo! U menja odna mechta, . vipit eshe 2 lita vina v Vashei semje i vaxtanguri s Vashem mujem i eshe izvenitsja za urodov moei naceonalnosti.Inogda mechti zbivaytsja, . esli Bogu ugodno MIR Vam i Vashei semje!,
  • Nika for Lyudmila Putin
  • Hi, Ludmila! I do not know whether you are reading this forum, but anyway I'll write to you about what excites me the most! In many countries, is an obvious propaganda of fascism and the destruction of the Soviet legacy. There is nothing worse to watch as a memorial to Soviet soldiers destroyed and scoff at the remains of, . those who are not having bad thoughts and away from the political game and walked lozhili their lives for the lives of people, . whose ancestors destroyed now waving in the wind idea and faith of ordinary workers and peasants,
    . The fact that we are not defending their memory is our misfortune. Do not postpone digs graves on their land. The fact that they are not needed there is one thing, but this indeed does not need them and us? What will we do next? And the worst when officials removed (transferred) monuments are in RUSSIA. If we do not want to keep and honor their history themselves, . how can we demand it from other countries? And Ludmila, . I certainly do not know how you feel about this issue, . but think, . that you have enough opportunities, . to change the current trend,
    . Thank you, if you read this letter, and thanks a lot, if not remain indifferent. Do not let the feat of Russian people forget. Regards Nick.
  • Rufina for Lyudmila Putin
  • "On the custody of the Festival inauguration art of reading" Word "Hello, dear Ludmila, I worked as a director in the House of Culture, Mr.. Orekhovo-Zuyevo. Three years ago I was with great difficulty established festival - competition of artistic reading "WORD". As it turned out, he was so forward in our cultural circles, which I myself never dreamed of such responsiveness. With such a terrible state of language in our country, even here in the Moscow region, there were no more or less serious competition. And I turned out more than a good. But the trouble is that the crisis came and the area covered funding. And recently I heard that you are heading fund associated with the revival of the Russian language. Could you take us under his wing and give us a new status. If you are interested, I'll describe everything in detail. Sincerely Rufina N. Zherebtsova. June 4, 2009.
  • Elena for Lyudmila Putin
  • Guillermo Bulak for Lyudmila Putin
  • Quiero saludarla y manifestar mi admiración y respeto! Reconocer y valorar el esfuerzo que hizo en su vida, por trabajar y estudiar; por criar a sus hijas y atender su familia. Por su sencillez! Felicitarla por el lugar que tuvo junto al Sr. Putin. Y pedirle que, como madre de sus dos hijas, Yekaterina y María, y desde el alto lugar donde esta, vele por todos los jóvenes en la Rusia de hoy, chicas y muchachos, que son los herederos y la esperanza del mañana! Felicitaciones por todo su esfuerzo y trabajo! Un cordial saludo Lyudmila! Atentamente, Guillermo Abel
  • kelly for Lyudmila Putin
  • Hello Angel, Lovely smiles just came across your profile and was much intergued so i will like to take this privileged to know much more about you if you really don't mind .... ?
  • mika pulkkinen for Lyudmila Putin
  • why You Going some tvo plays
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