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photo Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)

Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)

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 Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)

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  • Witch for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • Very, very nice muzhchinka ... ideal for me:) Oh .... poznakomitstsa be with him :))))
  • PINK for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • Mda ... kak je ya evo lyublyu!:)
  • Galya for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • Vedmochka! poderjivayu tvoe mnenie na vse 100!:) a vot poznakomitza ... exxxx me4tat ne vredno;) Kak je ya evo lyublyu!
  • Frenky for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • Frenky for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • Keanu, what a beautiful and for some reason is my native name! .... When I hear his heart begins to beat with joy, and his face radiates an indescribable joy in the hope of seeing his home mordashka either on photographs or on television .... For me it is not just a handsome man, for me it means much higher, as a person as an individual. Although I did nothing about it I do not know, but I am confident that his rich inner world that it is important first of all spiritual values. He would never so strongly attracted me to him only because of physical beauty, no, he is something more important !..... I'm not mad fan of his, . I am a man who appreciates him for his acting talent, . for the heroes whom he plays, and almost that represents them in real life, his manner of behavior, . mimicry, . zhestami.Konechno I do not know about it, . because that I never saw him, . but I see that it is something very special that distinguishes it from all the actors! I do not dream to see, . meet with him because that I know that this is unlikely, . but another question is why all want? Personally, I enjoy it so that it exists, . it is, . important to me that he was happy, . that would be with him was all good,
    . And I very much look forward to a new film with his part to see his remarkable acting talent, a beautiful face and figure. I will not say that I love him, . For in order that would love to see, . feel some of its soul, . body, . hear his sweet voice and see the home you glaza.No this is not, . so you should rejoice in the fact that he is a famous actor, . and enjoy the fact that you can see it in the next movie! ... For me, it is very important to me and very roads, . because that is Keanu Reeves!,
  • Frenky for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • Nurk @ for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • Keanu Reeves just super-handsome. I simply obazhayu.Pobolshe have such beautiful, intelligent and just talented people.
  • Amel for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • My love for him is great. "He was on top of the warmest mountain Heat from my heart to him sometimes comes a sweet stream of anguish and grief that does not touch on his arm.
  • NEO for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • innes for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • He is the most BEAUTIFUL and I think TSELEUSTEMLENNY MAN IN THE WORLD AND MY DREAM to marry him and I will do .... SO I will not leave even dating (Maybe a year or 2) I love him the only man THAT I LOVE
  • makpal for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • Keanu Reeves is the best actor in the world I just adored him. he is the best of the best. i mad about him.
  • anji for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • He is the most п·пєп?п?п?п?п•п?п?п?п?п?! he just handsome! I like it very much! None of the Hollywood actors can not be compared with him!
  • Britney for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • I am ready to look into his eyes forever ... And his movies are fantastic! So fun to play no one can! One he handsome!
  • Ellie for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • Keanu handsome man. Actor he himself, I must say honestly. Man-virgin (and he is Virgo, born 02.09) can not be a good actor. Acting is the ability to express emotions. He was well expressed only irritation. When we have to show something more, its pull partners. By the way, he himself knows. For this I love him and.
  • Nataly for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • Keanu Reeves to me more than akter.On just a dream! "It is something which I have not met in drugih.Chto something like magiyu.klaza he simply bewitching!
  • llllena for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • I do with a birthday in one day, my twin soul, feel it, reading his interview. very talented
  • Goblin for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • Usratsya can, from this orgy!
  • Alina for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • It is perfection itself! Bless him Lord! Let him everything will be fine!
  • Anonymous for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • Anti for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • п?п°п©п?я? ... just like a zombie .. all repeat the same
  • Natusya for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • If there are no words, . to explain their love, . which relnost not materialize, . that is at least the possibility skazat.I not important, . that you will not hear ON.Glavnoe, . what he is! Perfection, . ....... tenderness in his eyes, ready to sink, . in the hands melt, . a piece of ice ....,
  • Nata for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • I love him. When I see his face, I conceal. He seemed not of this world. Such as he nebylo, no and never will be. He - my dream.
  • Lara for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • of pain. sadness and loneliness, made Keanu Reeves ... The soul of a tramp looking for a shelter ...
  • Larissa for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • love you
  • Elena for Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves)
  • The most beautiful man on earth ! And smay best and favorite actor! I love him!
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     Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves) Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves), photo
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