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Zhemchugova Praskovya Ivanovna

( opera singer, actress)

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Biography Zhemchugova Praskovya Ivanovna
Serf actress, wife of Count Sheremetyev
July 31, 1768 - March 7, 1803

Praskovya Ivanovna Kovaleva (Zhemchugova) was born in the village Berezniki Yuhotskoy parish Yaroslavl province July 31, 1768. Paracha's family was the eldest. Father - a blacksmith fortress Sheremetievs Ivan Stepanovich Kovalev - who was known to the whole district as a remarkable master of his craft and as an amateur to take a stack or two, and then pokurolesit.

. In eight years in the life of a serf girl came a sharp turn - it took in the care of the estate near Moscow Kuskovo, under the supervision of one of the princely prizhivalok, Princess Martha Mikhailovna Dolgorukoi
. In the manor house Parasha took for excellent vocal skills to prepare them for entry into the musical theater scene graph Sheremetieva. Under the guidance of first-class mentors peasant girl quickly mastered a musical instrument, playing the harpsichord and the harp, singing, learned French and Italian. Has a large musical talent and a good voice, she successfully started performing on the theatrical stage under the name Pravskovi Zhemchugova.

First off were small role. But soon Paracha was becoming a real actress. She had not yet turned eleven, when she brilliantly performed in the opera Gretry "The experience of friendship", but in 13 years, this frail little girl played with extraordinary conviction, strength and depth of the game, Louise drama Sedena "deserter" to music Monsignore.

. It was then, obviously, the teenage actress and attracted the attention of the son of Count Nikolai Petrovich
. Love for music and joint exercises brought together their. It was at his insistence in the set for the next year the Italian opera Sakkini 'colony or new settlement "Paracha to play the main role - as always with talent and masterly. Graf could not see the gift of awakening in the future glory of his theater.

The opening of the palace-theater in the estate of graphs celebrated in conjunction with the solemn reception in honor of the winners in a war with Turkey, June 22, 1795. At holiday Earl invited participants of military events. On stage was a musical drama and. Kozlovsky the text of P. Potemkin Zelmira and Smelon, or capture of Ishmael ". Praskovya Ivanovna played in this performance, as has long been accepted in Sheremetievsky theater, the main role - Zelmira captive Turkish woman, who fell in love with a Russian officer Smelona.

April 30, 1797 NP. Sheremet'ev hosted the newly crowned on the throne of Paul I. The theater in this day presented "Marriage samnityan" - an opera in which the talent Praskovya Zhemchugova revealed with a special luster. Then she was 17 years old.

Count Sheremetyev monarch was granted the title of obergofmarshala imperial court. This award required otzda in St. Petersburg. Nikolai decides to pick up there the best part of the company, including Praskovia Ivanovna. The damp climate of Saint-Petersburg immediately affected the health Zhemchugova. She escalated hereditary tuberculosis, lost his voice. But this graph is not stopped loving her. November 6, 1801 the wedding of Praskovia Ivanovna and Nikolai Petrovich. It was held in the parish church of St Simeon Stylites, built in 1679. This temple is preserved to this day. Nicholas Argunov, serf artist Sheremetevyh, imprinted image Praskovia Ivanovna in that memorable day in her life: a red shawl, white bridal veil, on her neck a precious locket. You noted the wedding just in the narrow circle of friends. For Moscow and the St. Petersburg aristocracy marrying Count NP. Sheremetieva remained secret. Marriage was announced only in 1803, after the birth of his son Dmitry. Despite the endorsement of marriage Emperors Paul and Alexander I, the supreme light and relatives were shocked. Countess Sheremetieva died, never having learned about the world reaction to this news. It is possible that for the better, as the St. Petersburg ladies would never allow in their stores and a former serf, without family and tribe. On the reaction of relatives can be judged by the remark of Anna Semyonovna Sheremetyevo, which she did in his memoirs: "Cancel Shtukar our elder relative.

. It should be noted that the views of the graph and the attitude to the serfs disagreed with the views of many
. Barely in the right successor, Nikolai Petrovich has ordered that each of the farmers had access to it and have their petitions filed in person.

. The countess, a farmer, knowing about the difficult life of the poor, orphans and the sick, always helped them, and the husband of her bequest built in Moscow hospice / hospital (now the Hospital
. Sklifosofskiy) and put the capital on the issue of dowry to the poor bride that clearly showed the affection of the graph to his beloved.

February 23, 1803 talented Russian singer and actress was not. She died of consumption, leaving a three-week baby, when she was just 35 years old.

. Count Nikolai Petrovich Sheremetev died in 1809 and was buried in the Alexander Nevsky Monastery, at the Sheremetyevo tomb, next to Praskovia Ivanovna, his favorite actress and wife of a serf.


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