Years of life: 1882. - 1945.
. The second of the brothers Sonneries-
Panteleimon A. - was, perhaps, less temperamental, less prone to develop the original concept of the form or the creation of his artistic school.
. Believing in constructivism in meeting the modern demands for creative, he thoroughly and in depth develops techniques as functional method and the artistic and compositional means of "constructive style.
. Like his younger brother (I
Votes), P.
Votes graduated from the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1911). In the 1910's, survived the passion neoclassicists, it is still unlike his brother, seeks to "good architecture" in modern. Continuing in the first years after the October Revolution to work in the spirit of "good architecture", P.
Votes little carried away symbolic and romantic looking. All this has made it a natural convergence with constructivists and participation in the GMS. His suit the general principles of the creative credo of constructivism - the functional method. Since 1918. P.
Votes taught in IGCI, and then in the Moscow Higher Technical School.