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IOFFE Abram Fedorovich

( physicist)

Comments for IOFFE Abram Fedorovich
Biography IOFFE Abram Fedorovich
Abram Fedorovich Ioffe (1880-1960) belongs to the (older) generation of Soviet physicists, . that by the beginning of the Great October Socialist Revolution has already been sufficiently well known both in Russia, . and outside and, . adopting the idea in October, . almost immediately began to cooperate actively with the Soviet authorities,
. This small group of physicists - AF Ioffe, PP Lazarev, LI Mandelstam, D. C. Christmas, and some others - can safely be described as
the founders of Soviet physics. With all of them bound of the relevant physical school. But the largest school, of course, formed from AF Ioffe. On a variety of problems, . that in the 20 th - 30 th years of its representatives engaged, . by their number, . In response to this school and its head results, . I noticed a student Ioffe academician NN Semenov, . It is perhaps the biggest physical school, . formed in the XX century.,
. In many respects, these successes have been predetermined by personal qualities, AF Ioffe - his great talent as an experimental physicist, . his outstanding leadership, . its ability to quickly and accurately navigate the complex challenges of the new physics, . born at a time, . his remarkable grasp of the new, . enabled him already in the 20 years to understand the importance of nuclear physics, . and 30-ies - the physics of semiconductors and polymers,
. His outstanding personal qualities attracted to him many students were not only from our country, but also from abroad. It is extremely important as a comprehensive gifted person Joffe was a gift Teachers. This gift is manifested in the lectures, which he read in LPI, in seminar classes, starting with the famous scientific workshop organized by Abram Fedorovich of LPI in 1916, and the release of a number of excellent textbooks on the general course of physics. It is worth mentioning that since the second half of the twenties to mid forties, these first books, written by native scholars, have been extremely popular. Important role in the upbringing of Soviet scientific and technical intelligentsia also played a monograph Joffe and his scientific and popular articles.
. But at least the greatest gift of Teachers, as well as the highest responsibility Joffe the country and society are embodied in the organization of the Polytechnic Institute of Physics and Mechanics Faculty
. There, . in which physics was in its infancy, . which was only a few dozen active professionals (mostly in Moscow and Petrograd), . needed cadres of scientific workers, . able to solve the social and technical challenges, . set,
. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and the Soviet government
. And in 1919 Professor of the Polytechnic Institute of Abram Ioffe vigorously took up the establishment of the Polytechnic Institute of the special faculty - the faculty of a new type. Supported the initiative of Professor VV. Skobeltsyn, AN. Krylov, F.YU. Levinson-Lesing and other. For such work Joffe attracted a number of young people: first among them was Peter Kapitsa.
. Faculty, . created by Joffe and his associates, . a new type of faculty, . He prepared 'physically-minded' research engineers, . people, . which could quickly understand the essence of the new, . unexpected challenges they face, . not just good to know all the theory and practice of certain established technology issues,
. The key to the success of the faculty was his close relationship with organized almost simultaneously Physico-Technical Institute. Often already soph fizmeha began working in the laboratories of FTI and perform within its walls all the years of training, receiving skills of independent work, talking to 'to do' high science their senior comrades. And it is these senior comrades Fiztekh Fellows formed the backbone of the teaching staff of the Faculty. All this great work, livelihoods such scientific and academic symbiosis guide and inspire п?.пє. Joffe and his colleagues at FTI.
The book ms. Sominskaya 'Abram Ioffe' is a partial list of pre-war graduates FMF who received the highest academic rank - from professors to members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The list includes the name of 101, including 30 members of the union and republican academies: AI. Alikhanov, S.N. Vernov, GA. Greenberg, B.P. Konstantinov, AI. Lurie, GN. Flerov, YB. Chariton etc.. These names speak for themselves. Abram Fedorovich Ioffe could be proud of them - and proud of them!
The extent to which school physicists Ioffe and their importance for the country shows such striking examples. Thrice Heroes of Socialist Labor Academician AP Aleksandrov, . Zeldovich, . Kurchatov, . Yu.B.Khariton, . AN Shchukin were once members of Physico-Technical Institute, . and Aleksandrov, . Kurchatov and Chariton - more teachers and physical-mechanical department LPI,
. Nobel laureates Landau, PA. Kapitza, NN Semenov were also members of FTI, and I.E. Tamm for many years was a consultant of the Institute is closely associated with him for his work. Kapitsa and Semenov were the teachers of physical-mechanical department.

. If you try to compile a list of academic and civic achievements of Abram Fedorovich Ioffe, then it could include the following major items:

. Measurement of electron charge
Detection and measurement of the magnetic field of cathode rays.
Opening of the internal photoeffect crystals.
Discovery and study of the mechanism of electrical conductivity of ionic crystals.
Explanation of the value of real strength of crystals ( 'effect Joffe').
Opening of the effect of intermittent deformation of crystals, accompanied by acoustic emission.
Creating a theory of tunnel rectification at the metal-semiconductor.
Investigation of electrical conductivity of semiconductors in strong and weak fields.
Creating theoretical foundations of thermocouples in the 'low energy'.
Investigation of solid solutions, amorphous and liquid semiconductors and an indication of the decisive role of short-range order in the nature of the band struktury.Nekotorye of these achievements obtained п?.пє. Joffe co-authored with colleagues and students (M.V. Milovidova-Kirpicheva, MA. Levitsky, P.S. Ehrenfest, YA.I. Frenkel, AV. Joffe, ap. Regel.

These personal scientific merit should be added:

Creating Physical-Technical Institute, later gave birth to more than 15 affiliated institutions.
Creating Physical and mechanical department of the Polytechnic Institute, in the image and likeness of which arose a lot of similar departments in different universities of the country, including the Moscow Physical-Technical (school) Institute. And at the Polytechnic Institute (now St. Petersburg State Technical) to the physical and mechanical in subsequent years added three more physical faculties: the radio-physical, physical-technical and recently --- Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering.
Creating a large and very productive of the Soviet School of Physics
. Contributed to the reorientation of the Kurchatov in the early 30-ies of the ferroelectric to the nuclear issue and fully supports this work, . that created the conditions for solving the nuclear issue in the Soviet Union in the shortest possible time and had great geopolitical significance,
Creating Agrofiziicheskogo Institute of the Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences. VI. Lenin.
Creating Institute of Semiconductors.

The name of Abram Fedorovich Ioffe immortalized not only in his deeds and memory of grateful descendants, but also in the name of his beloved child - PTI behalf of AF Ioffe.

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  • oshudra for IOFFE Abram Fedorovich
  • error .... three hero Shchukin and chl.korr.AN Shchelkin
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