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Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich

( Children's Poet, writer, author of the text of the national anthem of the USSR (along with G.El-Registan).)

Photo Gallery Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich (21)
Comments for Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
Biography Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
Born March 13, 1913 in Moscow. Father - Vladimir Mikhalkov (1886-1932). Mother - Olga Mikhalkov, born Glebova (1883-1932). First wife - Natalia Petrovna Konchalovskaya (1903-1988). The eldest son - Andrei Sergeyevich Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky (1937 g. born.). Younger son - Nikita Mikhalkov (1945. born.). Second wife - Julia Valerievna Subbotina (1961. born.). Today at SV Mikhalkov's 10 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.

. Perhaps there are few in the domestic (and in the world) literature writers, whose name could be encrypted 'password' - the name of the main, the most famous and beloved by readers of his work
. We Sergei Mikhalkov, a password is, and it is denoted by two friends from childhood all the words: 'Uncle Stepa'. It is this kind giant, . brave and generous, . rescuing people 'for free' and one hand movement prevents a train wreck, . strongly associated in the minds of readers with the appearance and personality of the poet: by chance, some illustrators of the poem portrayed her character with the face of Sergei Mikhalkov,
. And so - since 1935, the year 'birthday' Uncle Stepa, which today, in 2003, exactly 68 years in a row, triumphantly marches from one childish heart to another.

. However, the patriarch of Soviet literature, there is also 'backup' password for adults, and his name - Anthem
. Never, . no country in the world has happened, . the words of the hymns of the three sovereign (1943, . 1977, . 2001.) Wrote one and the same person, . got it right on a competitive basis: the phenomenon of phenomenal, . worthy to occupy an honored place in the Guinness Book of Records.,

. However, an equally unique and is a family history of Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, once again confirming the enormous role played by genetics in the probability of outstanding creative personality.

. : I will not dissemble and tell you straight out: proud of my ancestors
. The documents show: Mikhalkov - ancient Russian born. An old legend states that 'gone' it from Lithuania. As you know, at one time the western Russian lands were under the authority of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In the XV century, many Russian residents of this region, . to avoid harassment by the Lithuanian feudal lords, and not wanting to go to Catholicism, . dissolve them in a foreign ethnic environment, . lose their affiliation to the Russian people, . moved to Russia - Moscow, . Tver and other cities.,

. He left in the first half of XV century from Lithuania in Tver, in the service of Grand Prince Ivan Mikhailovich of Tver, and someone called Mark Demidovich
. From his descendants Kindyrevyh 'branched' Mikhalkov.

The book 'antiquity and novelty' (Book XVII, 1914) reads:

'Mikhalkov in the property with Shestov, a native of Great Staritsa Marfa Ivanovna, mother of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. The first 'postelnichim' newly elected king was a man he was not a third party, namely, Mikhalkov.

. Communication Mikhalkov with Shestov not explain whether this choice, because postelnichie people were kings are not strangers'.

. At various times Mikhalkov manifested themselves in various spheres of military and public service
. Many of them have shed their blood in fighting for their country, some left on his memory as prominent figures of Russian culture.

. In pre-Petrine times were among Mikhalkov and ordinary soldiers, and 'servitors', and in different ranks 'people start'.

. First postelnichy young Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich - Konstantin Mikhalkov - was the governor-thirds of Moscow (died 1628).

. Fedor Mikhalkov served provinces in the Romanov, Totma and Cheboksary
. In the Time of Troubles, . in the years of foreign invasion of Rus, . he, . the expression of those times, . 'is not twisted' and remained loyal to the Fatherland, . for which he in 1613 'for his service against the Polish and Lithuanian people' and for 'Moscow seat' was granted to an inherited estate 'the sentence' boyar Prince Dmitry Trubetskoy and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky.,

. Examples are: the fate of Dmitri Vasilyevich Mikhalkov, who died in 1684
. During his forty years service to the fatherland that Russian soldier has participated in many campaigns during the Russian-Swedish and Russian-Polish war of the mid-XVII century. In the not successful for Russia Konotop battle in 1659 was seriously wounded. 'And in the Konotop battle in the coming of the Crimean Khan - writes his own hand DV Mikhalkov - I: severely wounded sword ranoyu great - more than half crossed the neck of the great: force and head on their shoulders restrained'. Although badly wounded soldier remained in the ranks and was again wounded during fierce fighting between Russian troops and the Tatar army of Kara Mustafa wazir under Chigirinov summer of 1678.

. The glorious traditions of the family continued Mikhalkovs and follow her generation - as in pre-Petrine, and in post-Petrine times
. So, . great-grandfather of the writer, . its full namesake Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (1789-1843), . of the famous Semenov regiment promoted from sergeant to the rank of lieutenant, . failing to distinguish himself in battles against Napoleon at Austerlitz (1805) and Friedland (1807), . awarded several military decorations of Russia.,

. But his son, grandfather of the poet Vladimir Sergeyevich Mikhalkov (1817-1903), opened a new page in the history of the family - no longer in the military sphere, and in the field of culture
. Brilliantly graduated the University of Dorpat (now z. Tartu), he devoted himself to work in the field of education: over the years was honorary superintendent of the Yaroslavl provincial gymnasium, which in 1855 donated a large collection of minerals and books from personal library. As a passionate collector, most of the antiquities - prints, tableware, clothing - gave art-historical museum of Rybinsk: they still make up the golden fund of its exposure. Resign Vladimir came to the rank of the actual state councilor (in the military ranks correspond to Major-General), . and, . as the owner of one of the most famous private libraries in Russia, . he, . in the best traditions of the aristocratic intelligentsia, . left a testamentary disposition to give his collection of 'public use',
. Doing the bidding of his late grandfather, father SV Mikhalkov, Vladimir A.: in 1917, a unique tribal library moved to fund the Rumyantsev Museum and remains there until now.

. It is interesting also that the side branch of the genealogical tree of the genus Mikhalkovs lead to a close relationship with fat and far - from Nikolai Gogol.

. Significantly, and pedigree SV Mikhalkov on the maternal side
. His mother, Olga (nee Glebova), came from a family, too, is not alien to the military and public service. Thus, the writer's great-grandfather, Mikhail Glebov, in the Patriotic War of 1812, and in 1814 he was awarded a golden sword with the inscription 'For Courage' to mark a special distinction in the battle against the French at Gelzberge. The same reward for faithful service in the war years 1812-1814 was another great-grandfather, Olga - Major Grigory Mikhailovich disgrace.

. Father of the future poet, Vladimir Mikhalkov, graduated from the Moscow University, and suddenly all got carried away: poultry
. But it might seem surprising only at first glance. The fact that the October Revolution, radically changing the social order in Russia, thereby intentionally or not 'pushed' out of the country many educated professionals from among the representatives of the Russian intelligentsia. They were supposed to take place, those who decided to voluntarily serve his people, regardless of the form of government in the State. Such an honest and impartial men, and belonged to Vladimir Mikhalkov.

. Could our family to hide from the troubles and tribulations of post-revolutionary Russia somewhere in Paris or in Berlin? Of course, she could.

. Why my father chose a different path? Why he decided to, . despite everything, . endure all, . that is destined to the Russian people? Should be, . because, . I knew myself, . knew, . that the true Russian man hard, . almost impossible to succeed in foreign, . even the fertile land.,

. He said:

. - Russia has chosen a different power
. I - a Russian man, and I will not deal with this power, I will work to serve his people:

It should also take into account that he was a believer and the concept of duty to the people, the Motherland were for him not hollow. So he, among other educated people heard the call on the assistance needed by the country's ravaged economy.

Yes, the call was from a new power, the Bolsheviks, from those who destroyed his family. But the other, the authorities did not! And rational appeal, he did not hear. Great swinger, energetic, active man, my father could not, as some people, sitting somewhere in a corner and beat them 'damned Bolsheviks', recalling the anguish of a bright former than doing many 'former' in Russia, that emigration. Brought up in respect to the common people, in compassion to his troubles, he did not consider sabotage of valor, and went and began to work there, where he was most needed.

. But, . in, . that in 1927, Mikhalkov's family moved from Moscow to Pyatigorsk (his father was offered a job in Terselkredsoyuze), . Sergey sees himself and another important aspect: 'ex' was better not to catch the eye of the vigilant authorities.,

. Academic, . inventor, . enthusiast and advocate for their cause, . Vladimir less than ten years has published about thirty works, . the most popular of which were at the Poultry Breeders of his pamphlet: "What is good and why profitable White Leghorn?", . 'The proper feeding of egg laying hens', . 'What is the Peking duck and what does it serve' and others.,

. The name of Vladimir Aleksandrovich Mikhalkov and still takes pride of place among the veterans of domestic poultry.

. The mother of Sergey Vladimirovich, Olga, entirely devoted to the family, soft, warm woman, for some time as a teacher, was a nurse, and then gave herself totally to her husband and children, who had three - Sergei, and Michael Alexander
. Talking about mother, . Therefore, first of all recalls her bowed head in the flickering light of kerosene lamps: mother diligently ripper some old coat, . estimating, . what useful things can be cut out of it for someone in the family: It was her brothers were obliged to, . that received education, . Learn Languages, . know how to behave decently in society,
. A husband, she became a faithful companion in his inventive, always supporting his endeavors, and sometimes tactfully suggesting one or another possible solution to the problems encountered. It is no accident, . Talking about the high rewards, . at various times been awarded his ancestors, . grateful son notes, . that 'my mother also had a right to a high reward' for their dedication, . allegiance to their mother's duty and ability to stand on dignity in the most difficult circumstances.,

. In such a historical and cultural panorama of the family March 13, 1913 in Moscow, was born a boy Serge - the future famous poet and writer, a true citizen of his homeland.

. Early childhood child was in the estate Nazarievo that in the Moscow region, belonging to friends of parents Yakovlev
. Since going to school was far, . primary education, the brothers were at home: for it was invited by a German governess, Emma I. Rosenberg, . implanted in children is not only the basis of strict self-discipline, . but also teaching them the German language at a level, . that already in childhood, they could read Schiller and Goethe in the original,
. And after more than half a century, Sergei Mikhalkov, brilliantly presented reports on the German on children's literature at various international fora.

. "It did not go in my upbringing and without the rural pop.

. Two winters in a row people came to us on his horse, three times a week, a young priest - Father Boris, he's Boris Smirnov
. Its task was to teach me the basics of geography, history and Russian language. On its own initiative, he tried to take me and the law of God, but those attempts were unsuccessful, because the 'agitation' Demian poor (they were published in the journal 'laughers' newspaper and 'Kopek') completely squeezed out of my head and the New and Old Testament.

. In a normal school, I went to the fourth grade when the family moved to Moscow.

. My father introduced me to the poetry of Mayakovsky, Esenina, D. Poor
. The influence of these poets is the most strongly affected my children's poetic experiments. But most of all I loved the tales of Pushkin, Krylov's fables, poems, Lermontov and Nekrasov.

. How did it happen, . what, . living in a wonderful family, . surrounded by love and affection, . boy began to stutter? Turns, . in infancy, he inadvertently nurse, . out of hand carriage, . rolled with it, . - This was the reason for the subsequent stuttering.,

. How I treated myself to own stuttering? Robel it? Embarrassed? I tried to keep quiet?

. I wanted to say, and I said, and my companions actually waited patiently, as I shall explain to the end
. And if anyone of them at first tried to tease that my misfortune, I immediately take the initiative and let in the course of humor, he first laughed at his 'feature'.

At school, I remember me, my stuttering is not just rescued. For example, calls me a teacher of chemistry, but I do not know what to answer, and begin with great zeal to stutter: compassionate woman makes me a 'satisfactory': My comrades quietly die of laughter. "

. With regard to 'guidance' of the future poet, . it delineated very early on: poetry Sergei began to write from nine years, . and about a year of street thieves, . penetrated into the apartment Mikhalkovs, . stole the treasured box, . where among other boys 'treasures' (slingshot, . penknife), and was commonplace book with the first verses of the young poet:,

. Anyway, the boy began to write poetry and to give his creativity 'glasnost', published home 'literary and artistic' magazine, where he was both editor and artist, and the sole author
. Readers were home, close relatives and friends. Original, yet not skillful, his first poetic compositions Sergei Mikhalkov Yet even then found an outstanding talent of the future poet:

. Like a snake, writhing
. Between the steep shores,
. River Flows in Lake
. Blue waters.
. ... Its waters are transparent,
. Bottom sand, deep,
. At the same shores in places
. There is a growing handful of reeds ...

. One father said nothing to his son, sent several of his poems by the famous poet Alexander Bezymensky
. 'The boy is the ability. But it is difficult to say whether he would be a poet. I can only advise: let more reads and continues to write poetry '- he replied.

. Sergei himself, writing 'tale about a bear' in verse, once ventured to include it in Mirimanova Moscow publishing house specializing in literature for children
. 'Main' offered him a seat, quickly looked through the manuscript and asked to leave it in the editorial for more scrutiny. And in the end of the conversation gave three rubles (not small at the time the money!) - The first of the young author royalties. But a week later an envelope arrived with the news that a manuscript rejected as unsuitable for publication:

. And in 1927, Mikhalkov's family left Moscow: on duty, a group of specialists, poultry farmers, my father was transferred to Pyatigorsk.

. His son continued to write poetry
. And then, in 1928 in the journal 'uphill' (Rostov-na-Donu), appeared the first printed poem by Sergei Mikhalkov, 'The Road':

. They bend beyond breaking ties, turning over the distance,
. Fleeing gray pillars.
. And when I do not regret
. Hummocks seem camel humps.

. Poet - 15 years.

. After several publications in the local press (and to be treated and trenchant 'poultry' agitation, written at the request of his father) young talent took the Terek Association of Proletarian Writers (Tapp)
. And already in 1930, after graduating from high school Pyatigorsk, Sergey decides to start an independent life - go to Moscow to study and write. His sister, MA Glebova, who then lived in the capital, his father sent a cover letter:

"Sending his son to Moscow to try to put him on his feet. His task - to get ready for the writer's education by working in a library, theater, debates, dialogue with people involved in the Arts. If within a year he will be able to move forward and be any hope, . then perhaps teaching literature in college, ,
. Tries his hand. Learn more ... Perhaps, with time out of you something and will. But the main thing that came out of you man! "

. 'In people' Sergei initially had hard times: literary earnings occurred sporadically and were not given the opportunity to live in dignity, . so the young man during the three years he worked as a laborer on Moskvoretskaya the textile finishing mill, . a junior observer geological expedition of the Leningrad Survey Institute in Altai, . then an assistant surveyor in the exploratory party of the Moscow administration overhead lines on the Volga River ...,

. In 1932, of pneumonia, died before reaching his fiftieth birthday, the father of the poet
. Exactly the year was not enough for him to enjoy the successes of her son: since 1933 the name of Sergei Mikhalkov does not melt under the carpet, his prints in 'Ogonyok', Izvestia, Komsomolskaya Pravda ',' Evening Moscow 'and even Pravda. In the same year he became a Visiting Fellow at the department of letters the newspaper Izvestia and a member of the Moscow Writers gruppkoma. By this time the true beginning of his long friendship with the already popular writer Lev Kassil and wonderful pop masters Rina Green and Igor Ilyinsky, . in whose performance on the stage and radio began the triumphal procession of children's poems Mikhalkov across the country.,

. Rina Green recalls:

. "nothing is written down, but remember this meeting for some reason quite clearly
. It occurred on the tennis courts water stadium 'Dynamo' ... Came up to me very long, very young man, haltingly, but did not hesitate to say:

- I need to talk to you.
- Well, what you're talking to me?
- I'm not going to - he replied, stammering badly. - I want you to read my poetry scene.

He handed me a thin notebook with poems. I was only recently began to talk about children, but had received many letters of compositions written so bad, so tasteless that it was sickening to read. But I always read everything to the last point, believing in miracles.

And then I took the leaves, turned away from him on the bench and began to read. And then read the beautiful poetry of this poet, modern, baby.

I turned to him, I saw a pretty young face, crawled out of an old jacket short sleeves long arm and said sternly:

- Yes, good poems. I will read them "

Not-not much time left before the devastating assault of poetic Olympus - only 2 years ... But before that happened totally unexpected event, greatly determined the fate of Sergei Mikhalkov, a poet and man.

. "I liked the student of our institute, a tall, stately girl with a big blond braid over his shoulder.

. I met her once in the House of Writers.

. - Shall I devote to you poems and publish them tomorrow in the 'Izvestia'? - I said to her, knowing that my poems already standing on the strip next issue of the newspaper.

. - Try it! - Smiled, my darling.

. I hurried to the editor, managed to change the title of the poem and put the name of a girl in the text of poems
. Morning in the 'Izvestia' instead of 'Lullaby' has started my poem 'Svetlana'.

I must admit that my attempt to curry favor with my darling I never failed. But the poems attracted the attention of another person, from which depended on the life and death of millions of Soviet people.

I was invited to the Party Central Committee. Took me a responsible employee of the Central Committee - Sergei Dynamo (shot).

- Your poem like Comrade Stalin! - He said to me after a short pause, staring at the man sitting in front of him the young author. - Comrade Stalin wanted to know the conditions of your life. Do you need than to help?

Stalin's daughter Svetlana was called. Could I suggest such a coincidence? "

. Undoubtedly, today is a good and seemingly artless poem is ready to touch the hearts of kids and their parents, their surprisingly soft lyrical intonation:

. You're not asleep,
. Pillow crumpled,
. Blanket on weight ...
. Wears breeze scent of mint,
. The stars are falling dew.
. The birches sleeping tits
. And in the Rye quail ...
. Why do not you sleep?
. You're sleeping lay down!

. Sergei Mikhalkov giant strides closer to landmark stage in its creation ...

. 1935
. Pioneer Division of the Moscow city committee of the Komsomol poet invited to participate in the competition for the Pioneer songs. To get an appropriate creative impulse and find the topic, was to one of the pioneer camps near Moscow to the guys about a month, hiking, go fishing, bonfires burn. And why not? After a very Sergei Mikhalkov was then only 22.

Of the trip so bring three pioneer songs and (quite unexpectedly) a few funny poems for children. Put them in the magazine 'Pioneer', whose editor was a passionate advocate for children's literature, a writer and journalist Boris Ivanter (killed at the front in the first months of World War II). One poem, 'The three citizen', was soon published, and then, elated by success, Mikhalkov ventured to compose an entire poem for children. Thus was born 'Uncle Stepa'. The first publication was held at the N7 magazine 'pioneer' for 1935. Since then, circulation of publications 'Uncle Stepa' long ago crossed over twenty million copies.

After reading the poem, Ivanter said to me:

- Well! Now you have started seriously writing for children. We ought to introduce you to Marshak.

Marshak lived in Leningrad. And editors 'Pioneer' sends me the manuscript of 'Uncle Stepa' to a consultation with Marshak. This was the second in my life creative trip. Confess, not without trepidation I entered the building of the Leningrad House of Books on Nevsky Prospect, where a few cramped rooms housed the editorial department of children, headed by S. Marshak.

Samuil took me immediately. And 'Uncle Stepa' read with me. Such is the style of work in this edition, where each new person greeted as if he and his manuscript has long been waiting. Conversation with Marshak I remember well. And if later I found her 'Uncle Stepa' random episode in the literary work, but continued to work for young readers, - this, perhaps above all, merit Samuil Marshak.

. For 'Uncle Stepa' he praised me, but at the same time and scolded, explaining that my good giant has yet to grow spiritually
. Comedy children's poems, he said, began to shine even brighter, if not be afraid to give open space feeling lyrical. The lyrics, as well as humor, are equally necessary in children's poetry.

. "Subsequently, . I came to see him already in Moscow apartment, . in his smoke-filled room, . unseparated where he labored for his books and papers littered desk, . truly a fantastic creativity and perseverance surrendering no concern for their health, . - He with the same attention and goodwill listened and read my new poems,
. Remember, . He often repeated the idea dear to him and once wrote an article for my fiftieth, . what are your favorite children's authors only, . are truly gifted imaginative, . immediacy feelings, . the ability to play seriously, . remaining children in later years.,

. I learned to recognize not only Marshak husky, breathless voice, but also by the very phone call, as it seemed to me, assertive, impatient.

. Give me more accurate, insightful opinions, he usually added at the end:

. - And do not forget, my dear, that writers of children's books, children learn to not only read but to speak, but to think, feel. "

. What is so attractive to children and adults, the central hero of the child's uncle Stepan Mikhalkov's poetry? First of all, precisely because, as mentioned Marshak: synthesis of the comic and lyrical in the author's tone
. If followed by a warm smile in the reader welling tears of gratitude from the impressions made by act of the hero - hence, by guess, felt alive chord of the soul of the child, is open and funny, and high.

. Uncle Stepa a novel in all respects - from the extraordinarily high growth and boots 'forty-fifth the size of' before striking kindness, brings it to the fairy-tale characters
. We loved him because

. "that all the faster
. No special works
. He shot the snake guys
. From the telegraph wires. "

. And for the fact that during the fire, not sparing himself, he reached the attic,

. "window opens.
. From the window fly
. Eighteen pigeons
. And behind them a sparrow. "

. Willingness to come to the aid of neighbor, . not indifferent attitude towards the whole, . what happens next (otherwise why fuzzy railroad tracks attracted the attention of Uncle Stepa and he 'deliberately raised his hand - to show, . that the path is closed '?), . - The basis of the human charm of the famous giant.,

. Mikhalkov 'finishing' 'Uncle Stepa' nearly ten years, and in wartime there were lines in a poem, dedicated to service in the Navy
. Uncle Stepa

"From the depths of dark waters
Flag of Nazi lacking.
Wet flag fadable flag
Under which sailed enemy.
- Used rags Fritzes! --
Declares Sergeant. --
. But in the economy in handy
. Maybe after all it is.
. If swastika peel,
. Cloth with soap to wash --
. Pinned at the threshold
. Let's wipe the feet! "

. Then Uncle Stepa - not just good-natured giant, but a citizen of his homeland, gradually encountering rebyatnyu at the thought of patriotism as one of the main rules of social conduct human
. Uncle Stepa not only amuses but also educates and - by chance it after serving in the Navy becoming a policeman ( 'Uncle Stepa - a policeman', 1954). However, and as such remains the favorite of kids, not the rule of law bogeyman. And again the unique image of Uncle Stepa-policeman is the result of the connection of the lyric and comic began:

. "Rinsing the old
. Grandma hole in the sheet.
. Cracked ice - the river went,
. And Granny swam.
. Grandma sighs and groans:
. - Oh, my laundry sink!
. Oops I got in trouble!
. Oh, save me! Perish!
. Uncle Stepa in office --
. He was on duty at the bridge.
. Do not describe everything that there was!
. Uncle Stepa - hands down
. Leaning over the railing,
. It hung over the precipice.
. He managed to grab an armful
. Frightened grandmother
. And the old woman - for the basket:
. - I do not Keanu their underwear! "

. Appealing to the impressionable child, the poet is not only the individuality of each, but also reveals something in common that unites all the children of the world - the desire to be happy, loved, protected, and that all was well
. That is why in the next two parts of the poem 'Uncle Stepa' - 'Uncle Stepa and Egor' (1968) and 'Uncle Stepa - Veteran' (1981) - sounds the leitmotif of the first, . most famous, . part, . serves as a guarantee that, . what, . There are in the world such Uncle Stepa, . rebyatne not in danger:,

. "The same busy Uncle Steve,
. Childhood our hero?
. As before, Uncle Stepa
. A firm friends with the kids. "

. Corneille Ivanovich Chukovsky, . outstanding poet and writer, . connoisseur of fine children's souls, . not afraid to call a poem about Uncle Stepa immortal, . a remarkable sculptor Sergei Timofeyevich Konenkov put her hero on a par with the classic images of Russian Literature, . said: 'Uncle Stepa' - common name, . it stands for exactly the same way, . as the name of Oblomov, . Golovlyova, . Derzhimordas,
. The only difference is that the image created by Mikhalkov, humorously positive '.

. Before the war came the famous poem, 'What have you got? ", Whose fate may not be less fortunate than' Uncle Stepa 'because it is very clearly reflected' childishness' poetic vision of the world inherent Sergei Mikhalkov:

. Who sat on the bench,
. Who is looking out into the street,
. Toll sang
. Boris was silent,
. Nicholas shook his foot.
. It was evening,
. There was nothing.
. Jackdaw sat on the fence,
. Cat climbed to the attic.
. Then the guys said Boria
. Just this:
. - And in my pocket a nail.
. And you? "

. It would seem a mere trifle: nothing else to do the boys start to brag about who does what can be: a nail in your pocket, so that 'today the cat gave birth to kittens yesterday', 'blue, blue, prezelenym red ball'
. However, not all that simple, because gradually the conversation turns to a very important topic - the mama. Someone mom - pilot, the other - a policeman, an engineer, seamstress ... The poet gradually leads his readers to the inference that little love to his mother, you should respect other moms:

. "Mums different needs,
. Moms all important. "

. So unassuming conversation about trifles, so expensive for young creature, rises to the level of philosophical generalizations in the sphere of human relations.

. Generally, . and close to the lyrical hero of children's poems by Sergei Mikhalkov, his readers, . that he - not an example to follow, . he has the same shortcomings, . that his peers: they are too lazy ( 'Miracle pill'), . and softness ( 'About mimosa'), . and roughness ( 'Lapusya'), . and the desire to be absent from lessons ( 'Thirty-six and five'), . and stubbornness ( 'Sheep', . 'Do not sleep'), . and disrespect for elders ( 'One rhyme'),
. Therefore, together with the guys over these shortcomings laughs - and wins 'enemy' on its own territory.

. Many lines of children's poems Mikhalkov went on proverbs, . as was once the 'Woe from Wit': no longer remember very, . who said, . example, . 'Non: / I do not ve: (' Thomas'), . 'Oh, . my darling, . / White pillow! " ( 'Cushion'), . "You can not raise puppies / Through the shouting and kicking '(' The important advice '), . 'You, . Comrade, . Sit on the floor, . / You, . Comrade, . anyway! " ( 'Uncle Stepa'),
. And it all - Mikhalkov!

. But back to the chronology of the poet's life after the publication of 'Uncle Stepa' (1935).

. 1937 was full of Sergei Mikhalkov milestones: he became a member of the Writers' Union, entered the Literary Institute
. Maxim Gorky, and - most important! - He has a son named Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, now director of world renown, People's Artist of Russia.

. And in 1939, among a large group of writers, which included such masters as Sholokhov, Kataev, A. Tolstoy, Fadeev, Simonov, Marshak and others, so getting the first Order of Lenin.

. "In autumn 1939 I was drafted into the army and participated in the march of our forces in Western Ukraine
. This was the beginning of my literary career military writer-reporter.

June 22, 1941 with a group of writers I was in Riga. Hearing the early morning post about what to expect important news - Molotov's speech, I immediately went to Moscow by train. I understood: is about to start a war, if not already started, because I heard on the radio in German phrase: 'All vessels are to immediately return to its port of registry'.

Inevitable happened. They bombed the station Daugavpils, but our part of it safely skipped.

. June 27 by order GLAVPURa I went to the southern front. "

. During the war, Sergei Mikhalkov, was a military correspondent of the newspaper 'To the glory of the motherland', and then - the central newspapers of the Air Force Red Army 'Stalin's falcons'
. In Odessa, during a raid by German aircraft, was wounded, retreated to Stalingrad, together with the army. It is only at first glance it seems that writing about war and the war - things are totally different, but in reality, war correspondents, being always on the front, shared all the hardships of war, along with combat units. Therefore, almost one third of the Moscow writers' organization did not return from the front.

For his efforts during the Great Patriotic War, the poet was awarded the medals 'Red Star', 'Red Flag' and a number of medals. And not everyone knows that the epitaph on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin Wall, 'Your name is unknown, your deed is immortal' was written by Sergei Mikhalkov:

. When the summer of 1943 the Government decided to establish a new national anthem of the Soviet Union, thereby translating 'International' in the discharge of the Party anthem, Mikhalkov to participate in the contest were not invited because it was mainly children's poet
. However, at the initiative of his longtime friend Gabo (Gabriel Arkadevich Ureklyan, published under the pseudonym G.El-Registan), he decided the same with him to try his strength in this difficult genre.

"We set to work. I composed, Gabo provided suggestions and edited the wording.
Said - done. Composed text sent by e-mail Au. Dm. Shostakovich.

Not being able to stay in Moscow, we are again on the instructions of their commanders flew to the front. And suddenly received orders to return immediately to Moscow. We were summoned to the Kremlin, to Voroshilov.

Klim Voroshilov! In our view - the legendary military commander, whose name is associated with many of our nation's history: the Civil War, military parades on Red Square. We were then far from the idea that it is not without his knowledge, and sometimes not without its direct involvement went into oblivion truly legendary generals, marshals of the Soviet Union, the commanders of the armies. His signature bonds of documents that were getting death sentences for many colleagues. Only Stalin's death will prevent him from such a tragic fate.

. They say that once Stalin, feeling of loyalty to his fellow party members to lead the country, asked Voroshilov:

. - You can shoot me for the sake of his beloved dog?

. And Voroshilov in the eyes of Stalin's favorite shot the dog.

. As fate brought scores of loyal satrap Supreme Commander
. Voroshilov completely deaf. In lonely silence, alone with his thoughts, he slowly went out of life, crowned with many top prizes for feats, which he did not commit. And he walked away, leaving behind bad memories ...

So, we in the Kremlin.

- Comrade Stalin drew the attention of your version of the text! - Said, turning to us, Voroshilov. - It is not conceited! We will work with you!

Before the marshal on the table is printed in the book in a red cover. The book contains all versions of the future anthem of the USSR, presented by the authors for the contest. On the 83rd page, bookmark: our text with notes of Stalin.

- Basis is - continues to Voroshilov. - But, look at the comments of comrade Stalin. You write: 'the free peoples alliance noble'. Stalin makes a remark: 'Your Honor'? Or here: 'created by the will of the People'. Stalin makes a remark: 'People's Will'? It was such an organization in tsarist times. In all of the National Anthem should be clear. Stalin believed that to call him in the National Anthem 'elected by the people' should not, but Lenin must say that it was 'great'.

Until late autumn we have been busy finalizing the text. Writing a new chorus. Explained rewrite. All countries invited composers to write music for our words. Keep listening to the kinds of music, but now in our text.

October 26, 1943 at ten o'clock in the evening held a listening to music of the new National Anthem. We are El-Registan sat in the empty auditorium of the Bolshoi Theater. In the government box were the leaders of the party and government, headed by Stalin. Options anthem played, the Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble of the Red Army under the control of Professor AV Alexandrov.

We Gabo sat at home at the tea table and shared their impressions about last night. Much of it seemed to us inexplicable and surprising. In those days, the conference was held in Moscow, the three great powers. At the front unfolded fierce battle. Behind me were the battle of Stalingrad and Kursk, the battle for Dnipro ahead - the definitive lifting of the blockade of Leningrad, the liberation of Belarus, the Soviet Baltic region, the output of the Soviet army on the frontier, the beginning of the expulsion of the enemy outside the USSR. The national economy has made heroic efforts to carry out intensive plan. And this time the government pays much attention to the creation of the Hymn of the Soviet Union!

Our thoughts interrupted by a phone call:

- Now you will say, Comrade Stalin!

- I hope not wake?.. (a familiar voice with a clear Georgian accent) ... We listened, we now Anthem. Kutse obtained.

- How to understand, Comrade Stalin?

- Few Words. Nothing is said about the Red Army. Must add another verse. Reflect the role of our army in a heroic struggle against the invaders. Show our strength and faith in victory.

- When is it necessary? - I asked.

- When the write - send. And we'll see - Stalin replied curtly and hung up.

A day later revised text was ready, and already on October 28 followed by a call to Stalin.

The next version of the text was submitted to the ensemble Alexandrov. The most successful was music of Shostakovich and Khachaturian, AI. However, meaning the possibility of using already well-known music Alexandrov for the 'Hymn of the Bolshevik Party'. Couplets of a new version of the text, except for the chorus, well-laid down on the melody, because the authors of more words on the first phase of work took a sample of his poetry size. Rewrite the chorus in the correct amount was quickly.

So, in a competition entered two versions of the Hymn. One of the main - one to which many composers were writing music, and second, as if to spare, the music of Alexandrov. Thus, the melody of 'Hymn of the Bolshevik Party' could be the melody of the anthem of the Soviet Union.

The day of final approval of the anthem.

In the empty hall of the Bolshoi Theater were both authors of the text. This was the last exam. In the government box - cabinet members and the Politburo.

. In the Symphony Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater is running A.Sh.Melik-Pashayev, . Military Brass Orchestra under the direction of Major-General SA Chernetsky, . Red Song and Dance Ensemble of the Red Army under AV Alexandrov, one after another sound to compare anthems of foreign powers, . marks the old Russian national anthem 'God, . Save the Tsar! ", . Hymns of Shostakovich and Khachaturian, AI on words Mikhalkov and G.El-Registan,
. Finally, the music of 'Hymn of the Bolshevik Party' sounds a separate version of our text with a new chorus. This option and approved by the Government.

Authors are invited to the parlor government box. Here, party leaders and government. In addition to those with whom we have met in recent times, there Molotov, Voroshilov, Kalinin, Mikoyan, Khrushchev. Here MB Khrapchenko - Chairman of the Committee on the Arts, conductors A.Sh.Melik-Pashayev, SA Chernetsky and AV Alexandrov, composer Dmitri Shostakovich.

. In the living lavishly laid table.

. - Well, the old Russian tradition should 'wash' anthem! - Said Stalin and invites everyone to the table
. Me and El-Registan, he puts on his right and left hand.

. Here the story should continue in the form of dialogue.

. Registan (stands, raises his glass): Let me toast?

. Stalin: optional.

. Registan: I want to raise this glass to those who work with us: for Comrade Voroshilov, for Comrade Molotov, and finally for Stalin:

. Shcherbakov (sharp): With this it was necessary to start!

. Registan (confused): I wanted to say:

. Stalin (interrupting Registan): Allow me to remark? Chekhov has a story about the merchant, who donated more than anyone else on the temple, and his name in the paper written last
. Merchant offended. I am not a merchant: Go on, comrade Registan!

Registan (apologetically): I wanted to call to order those who work with us:

Stalin (addressing everyone): We have adopted a new national anthem. This is a great event. : Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov has created in its time music 'Hymn of the Bolshevik Party', which most went to the Hymn of the Soviet Union. (Reference to Shostakovich). Your music sounds very melodious, but what to do, Anthem Alexandrova more suited to his solemn sound. This - Anthem powerful country, it reflects the power of the state and belief in our victory: Comrade Shcherbakov! We probably need to adopt a resolution Sovnarkoma? And set a date for the first performance of the Hymn. We can have time to give the command to our radio sang a hymn in the New Year's Eve?

Shcherbakov: Can, Comrade Stalin!

At 0.00 hours of January 1, 1944 the new Soviet anthem was first performed on the All-Union Radio. Mikhalkov was 30 years, El-Registan - 45.

. And to begin work on a hymn, and after, until the end of the war, the poet did not interrupt its activities as a war correspondent.

. Poetry Sergei Mikhalkov, the war years characterized by an ideological offensive, simple, uncomplicated tone, often akin to a soldier's folk song:

. - A soldier! Comrade wounded
. Be brave, you can find!
. Thy will raise his head
. Drunk will be served!

. ( 'A soldier lies behind Khatami:')

. The spirit of camaraderie and will to win - the basis of emotional disposition poems Mikhalkov officer with the Order of Lenin on the shirt:

. My faithful friend, my companion safe!
. We are at war
. There is fierce fighting
For each house, for each post road,
For the fact that we may see with you!

( 'A Letter Home')

Do not forget about the poet and the children, whose childhood was held under the roar of tanks and grenade gap. Poem 'True Story for Children', both published in the 'truth', 'Komsomolskaya Pravda' and 'Pioneers' truth', was drawn to them and it was the clearest example of the military lyric Mikhalkov:

. Summer night, at dawn,
. When the children were sleeping peacefully,
. Hitler gave troops the order
. And he sent a soldier of the German
. Against all the Soviet people,
. That means - against us.

. And in the poet's personal life at this time two events occurred - one tragic, . another happy: in 1943 his mother dies, . Olga, . in 1945 - was born the second son, . Nikita Mikhalkov, . subsequently, . as older brother Andrew, . became director of world renown, . People's Artist of Russia, . winner of the prestigious award 'Oscar' (USA).,

. About the same time, in late 1944, held a remarkable conversation with Sergei Mikhalkov, Alexei Tolstoy, unquestioned authority for all writers of the time
. Tolstoy was therefore proposed to test himself in the satire for adults. 'Your children's poems - he said - I think, give you the opportunity to try their hand at the genre of parable, in the genre of fables. You succeed best poems, in which you go from folklore, from folk humor '. Mikhalkov later admitted that he did not immediately heed the advice of a fellow shop: too archaic seemed allegorical poetry. But, by a happy coincidence, it was in 1944 noted 175 th anniversary of Ivan Andreevich Krylov, and at the request of Aleksey Tolstoy poet was included in the anniversary Krylovsky Committee. Listening to the radio Krylov's fables, . which in those days passed continuously, . Mikhalkov began to penetrate public response, this epic genre and the outline of his first fable made at the presidium table at the ceremonial meeting honoring the great predecessor.,

. Soon after the first two tales, 'Hare in his cups' and 'The Fox and the Beaver', one after another appeared on the pages of 'truth' with pictures Kukryniksy
. The success was deafening, and, figuratively speaking, he lit the green light satirical genre in the Soviet press. This is not to say that satire, as such, was then uncalled or prohibited: on the contrary, in the late forties popularization satirical art reached its zenith. Only in the school studied the works of seven full-Saltykov-Shchedrin (in contrast to the sixties, when the general curriculum were only three of his tales). This is understandable, given that the images created by the great satirist was joined by reliable service in the ideological struggle against fascism. However, familiarization with the satire going on a very peculiar way: a tacit decision on the radio, . Television, . stage and in school was forbidden to quote the same Shchedrina out of context, . that there are no unintended allusions, . related to the internal situation in the country: Sergey Mikhalkov, . large connoisseur of creativity 'Prosecutor of Russian social life' (as contemporaries called Saltykov), . and in the future - Chairman of the anniversary committee Shchedrin, . could not not know,
. Yet he went on a big risk - has become a satirist-fabulist whose allegory decoded from the first reading and the like may not all. For, in the words of the poet,

. Jeers even he is afraid
. Who is not afraid of anything!

. ( 'O fool')

. Not for nothing as Belinsky once said that in Krylov's fables are not animals, and people - 'and, moreover, the Russian people'.

. Peru Sergei Mikhalkov, has more than 200 fables, the latter of which, 'wise advice', written in 2002
. Laconic, simple, colloquial language, humor - the main distinguishing features of fables of the poet's style. Plot any fable, . passed in the creative laboratory of its creator phase synthesis, . typification, . turns into something more - in a socially and morally significant subject for reflection, . for the fundamental aesthetic goal of the satirical works - excitation of the ideas of truth, . of good, . the beautiful and, . eventually, . restorative justice,
. But as it is sometimes difficult to distinguish truth from half-truths, said Mikhalkov himself in one of the shortest and most intensive of its fables:

. 'Where is our father? " - Inquiring stubbornly
. Seung-worm my mother-worm.
. 'He's fishing! " - Replied my mother:
. As a half-close to the Truth!

. ( 'Half-truths')

. The most famous fables, . including above, . - 'Joke', . 'Daisy and Rose', . 'Dog and the Donkey', . 'Honey Bear', . 'Hippocratic Oath', . 'Scientific Cote', . 'Eagles and sparrows' and others - have become part of the repertoire of the masters of artistic expression of several generations and over time, no older.,

. Ironically, however, being always at the forefront of public life in the Communist Party, Sergei joined only in 1950
. And he explains this by saying that, as a sponsor of the national anthem of the Soviet Union, winner of three Stalin Prizes, and double the Order, he did not need this step in the commission of any selfish motives. But at some point is clearly understood that as a member of the Communist Party would have more opportunities to help people. And really, how many unjustly repressed fellow, he has restored the good name, order, rank, how much, when he was the deputy of the Supreme Council, petitioning for ordinary citizens - thankfully they remember themselves.

. "Who can remember, much less play autograph Pushkin or Tolstoy, Mayakovsky or Sholokhov? Probably only experts in their creativity
. But the signature of Sergei Mikhalkov (give facsimile) knows the entire population of the country! And there is nothing surprising in this: for forty years in the cinema and television provocatively twisted rope soaked in fuel, . reproducing autograph organizer and permanent chief editor popularly beloved satirical newsreel 'wick' Sergei Mikhalkov.,

. The idea of creating kinoperiodiki became reality in 1962, and ten years later, David Kugultinov wrote: 'I remember when I came out first' wick ', Sergey invited to celebrate this event with friends for a cup of tea to his home
. And I watched him, saw how he was personally deeply interested, may not be less than the fate of the play, poem or other of his works. I then thought that, apparently, in any case, if that's not that personal interest, if not the energy of the soul, which only inflames the works, nothing is impossible to achieve any success and then contraindicated. "The wick has become popular, has received national recognition. And in this case, the surgeon's scalpel was in the hands of first-class masters'.

Bribery, fraud, mismanagement, parochialism, grovel - this is not a complete list of topics within the field of view newsreel. Stigma, . which, . on the basis of reports 'wick', . exposed to certain vices of our reality and individuals, . sometimes reaches up to the trials, . because the main principle of the team - just follow the facts, . precluding their own conjectures and surmises.,

. Newsreel 'wick' is akin to a newspaper feuilleton - with the only difference, . that on the screen we see a real person guilty of abuse or crimes is not in the courtroom, . and workplace, . usually representative offices, . where they are from time to time (to be exact - before the next issue of 'wick)' managed 'the entrusted affair,
. Against the background of their incendiary speeches are documentary footage to illustrate the exact opposite of the words for. Comments are generally not required.

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov recalled that after the resounding success of the first edition of 'wick', he was invited to the Central Committee and asked what the magazine can help. 'The main thing - do not disturb! " - Said the chief editor.

Contribution of 'wick' in the building of the state evaluated on merit: the USSR State Prize in 1978, the Order "Badge of Honor '- in 1982, the twentieth anniversary of the founding. Now 'wick' turned 40 years old.

... Theater Sergei Mikhalkov - a unique phenomenon. And not just because of the arsenal of the playwright happily coexist play for children and adults, competing with each other in unexpected plot twists, sparkling humor and high artistic merit. The main feature of all, without exception, dramatic experiments Mikhalkov (a total of 36 plays written) - the ability to accurately identify psychologically weighted social and moral position of the character in specific circumstances.

. As a playwright Mikhalkov 'born' in a children's theater: the first play 'Tom Quente' (on a story by Mark Twain's 'The Prince and the Pauper') was written in 1938 and then has staged the Moscow Youth Theater
. And in 1980, after 42 years after the premiere, it was included in the new edition of the repertoire of the Moscow Art Theater. Some highlights changing story of Mark Twain, . Playwright makes the main character plays a beggar boy Tom Quente, . easily change their rags on the royal garments, . and then just as easily - on the contrary, . because if it always remains its main advantages, . can not buy, . - Generosity, . nobility of thought and humanity.,

. The most significant and relevant are still a play for children by Sergei Mikhalkov, 'I want to go home' (1949, . awarded the Stalin Prize for this year), . 'Bunny-zaznayka' (1951), . 'Sombrero' (1957), . 'Trusohvostik' (1966), . 'Comrades children' (1980), . 'Dream continuation' (1983),
. Going round the scene of many theaters in the country and abroad, for the first time they saw the limelight in the Central Children's Theater. There are gay and still play 'Sombrero', which went through its 1,600 th performance.

'Merry performance' - does not mean that it is only entertainment. No children, who would not love to play. But during the game, whether it is a game of 'Mothers and Daughters', in astronauts or 'voynushku', the child decides not children, but quite a serious problem, simulating 'adult' behavior or to imitate the best, which is observed in the adult. Thus, drama Mikhalkov for children - not only aesthetic, but also a very important tool for the moral effect on the personality of the child.

. Among the pieces created by the playwright for adults, he believes the most successful 'Crabs "(1953),' A monument to himself:" (1959), 'Balalajkin and K? " (1973), 'slap' (1974), 'Pen' (1975), 'All kings can' (1982), 'What does the pen' (1984)
. All of them are on the genre - the satirical comedy, which are dogmatists, four-flusher, swindlers, gawk, careerists and just stupid. A follower of Russian satirical tradition, Mikhalkov has always set itself high civilian targets, bypassing the momentary melkoteme.

. I must say, this has not always found understanding the audience - no, not ordinary spectators, of course, but people exposed by the authorities and are afraid of losing
. In this sense, very revealing story of the play 'Balalajkin and K?', Written on a novel by Saltykov-Shchedrin's 'Modern Idyll' (1973). In this brilliant work were two Hero of Socialist Labor - writer Sergei Mikhalkov and director George Tovstonogov, which put the play on the stage of Moscow's 'Contemporary'. After the general run, . which was attended by those in power and the competent authorities, . from the administration demanded that the theater in magazines write: 'The action takes place in St Petersburg 100 years ago', . - Not to think, . what happened today,
. However, caution was in vain, . - A few years the play from the repertory still removed for being too relevant: the more joyful for us, . that in 2001 'Balalajkin and K? " again saw the limelight: astonishing artistic and social sense Mikhalkov-playwright, . ever it does not lead, . won another brilliant victory: the heroes of the play - is still our contemporaries.,

. Dramaturgy Sergei Mikhalkov could not be more fully reflects the phenomenal side of his talent as a writer - the perception of conflicts of life through the prism of laughter, . a good-natured and childishly infectious, . a ruthless, . striker backhand, . contemptuous and angry.,

. ... Why do children love fairy tales? Of course, because the child can not help but fantasize his impetuously imply miracles and incredible country, magical transformations and magic items
. And because, . that children are instinctively attracted to goodness and justice, . which in any fairy tale sure to win, . hence, . there is always a happy ending, . which is also consistent with the concept of harmony in the child's world: no matter what happens, . everything will be fine.,

. Great feeling child psychology (no wonder Marshak said, . that Mikhalkov eternally 12 years old), . Sergey for years nurtured the dream to compose a fairy, . that would be interesting and understandable to all children on Earth, . whether, . on which continent they live.,

. And a dream come true! First born name of the future tales - 'Feast of disobedience', . Then came the first sentence: 'It never happened, . although could be no, . but if it really was, . that: 'The plot was formed itself: parents, . tormented childhood whims, . stubbornness and rudeness, . left the city, . leaving him in the power of their own chad,
. At first it was seen children as an unprecedented happiness: Down School, . Long live the ice cream in any quantity, . soda and cigarettes! However, the consequences of this 'happiness' were as follows, . that three days malyshnya ask parents for mercy, . and even those already realized, . without worries, . though serious, . children life is meaningless: such things vzaimovospitanie fathers and children.,

. A remarkable tale internationalist 'for all time' is translated into many languages and became, . along with Andersen, . textbook example, . as product, . written for children, . extends the age range of potential readers, . giving his wisdom and sly humor to all, . who touches him.,

. And to 'Feast of disobedience' (1983) were in Mikhalkova other tales and stories, . including the famous 'Three Little Pigs' from English folklore, . well taken root in Russian soil with a light hand of an outstanding children's poet, . and funny 'Stubborn kid', . and small 'Moshka' with big 'quarrel!'.,

. In the mid-seventies on the instructions of the Party and government Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov has begun to establish the second edition of the national anthem of the USSR
. It was necessary to remove from the text of Stalin's name and make other adjustments in accordance with the present moment. The poet managed the task brilliantly, and our National Anthem ceased to be a 'song without words', as it was called since the XX Congress of the CPSU (1956), which was exposed by a cult of personality 'faithful Leninist'.

. Could Mikhalkov then assume, . that after 20 years (as for the first time, . on a competitive basis), he again wins his rivals in a contest to create a hymn of Russia? Meanwhile, . happened, . and January 1, 2000 anthem with a new text sounded throughout the country.,

. In 1973, Sergei Mikhalkov was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor and the star of the Hero is not taking off, to this day with pride.

. Despite the variety of creative interests (a famous Russian writer, poet, fabulist, playwright and publicist), Mikhalkov himself the main business of his life considers poetry for children
. 'The popularity of children's books - a very mysterious thing - the poet. - It is impossible to predict. But the fact remains: if a child in the house of many books, and he demands that he read the same - hence, this is a real children's book. So I chose not children, and children have chosen me. Why? For me it's a secret. "

If the child - the main addressee of the writer's work, it is obvious that the problems of education, pedagogy can not be the focus of his attention and interest. Sergei Mikhalkov - Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (now - Russia Academy of Education) since 1971, . author of many educational articles and books reflecting on children, . which is called - 'It all starts from childhood:' (first edition - 1965),
. It is in childhood, the child utters the first words, first leafing through the book, form their attitude towards the people around him.

. Thinking about, . how the emerging nature of the little man, . influence on him as external circumstances and the climate in the family, . What is selfishness and self-love, . how to relate to the historical traditions of their people, . - That formed the basis of the book, . main idea which could be formulated as follows: understand your child, . Treat it with care and respect,
. Do not do harm:

Human life is always interesting and instructive, as long as it is about the life of a remarkable man and an outstanding writer, his memories become landmark for contemporary and future generations. For the era, refracted in the fate of a phenomenal individual, multiplied by the scale of his talent, his vision of a system of universal values.

. From this perspective, the book Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov 'I was a Soviet writer' (1 st edition - 1992) and 'From and to:' (1998) - a classic of the genre, . where personal memories are interspersed with an almost verbatim records fateful meetings with other prominent people age, . and reflections on life - with the subtle and wise remarks about the literary work and social activities.,

. Chukovsky, Marshak, Kassil, Fadeev, Alexei Tolstoy, Sholokhov, Ehrenburg, S. Konenkov, Vysotsky, Stalin, Voroshilov, Brezhnev, Chernenko, Gorbachev - this is not a complete list of names of those about whom Mikhalkov recalled in his excursions into the history of its own life.

. Probably never Sergei Mikhalkov would not be who he was, whether he, Ivan, oblivious of his kinship
. And in this - another lesson for us, a lesson in inner nobility and sense of self through a citizen and patriot of deep connection with family and history.

. Life

. In 1936, Sergei Mikhalkov married Konchalovskaya Natalya Petrovna, the daughter of a remarkable artist Petr Petrovich Konchalovsky and granddaughter of the great Vasily Ivanovich Surikov.

. Natalia Konchalovskaya already at first glance it impressed - she was sweet and very charming, and charm - it is such a force with which you can not argue
. And given the rare charm of the people and explain what it is, it is difficult. Something like hypnosis? Perhaps. But can be charming and even a very ugly man ...

. And if beauty and charm, intelligence and wit, and excellent education, and education of pre-revolutionary, when the notion of 'intelligence' implies friendliness, courtesy, kindness?

. All of this was inherent Natalia Konchalovskaya highly
. Since it did not want to keep an eye ... And if we add to this that she was gay, sparkling man, you can understand why she always whirled around a lot of people, including fans.

. "Admittedly, Natasha did not want to marry me - it certainly misleading our age difference
. But I loved her, and she loved me. However, in a society somehow easier to make a marriage if the husband is much older than the wife, than the reverse version ... Yes, and her mother, Olga, daughter of the great Russian artist Vasily Surikov, not too approved of the existing relationship of her adult daughter to young poets, ezdivshim Moscow by bike. But he Petr Petrovich Konchalovsky always very warmly received me at his house and confessed that he liked my poems for children.

. I insisted on the registration of marriage, for fear of losing beloved, charming, intelligent woman, and finally surrendered Natasha
. Before going to the registry office, we went to the snack bar, drank vodka, and after registration Svirsky bought a quarter of white wine and went to celebrate the event to our friend "

. Natalya Petrovna Konchalovskaya, . by excellent translations from Shelley, . Browning, . Wordsworth, . Mistral, . historical poem 'Our ancient capital', . are still studying in primary school, . several collections of poetry for children, . book about his grandfather Vasily Surikov 'A Priceless Gift', . monograph on the work of Edith Piaf and the memoirs 'Closet memory', . Sergei Mikhalkov made a brilliant match, . whole life toget

Photos of Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
  • Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich

Photos of Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich
Mikhalkov Sergei VladimirovichMikhalkov Sergei VladimirovichMikhalkov Sergei VladimirovichMikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich

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    KONCHALOVSKY Natalia Petrovna
    KONCHALOVSKY Natalia Petrovna
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    Nikita Mikhalkov

    Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich, photo, biography
    Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich, photo, biography Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich  Children's Poet, writer, author of the text of the national anthem of the USSR (along with G.El-Registan)., photo, biography
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