Date of Birth: 11/09/1940
Born September 11, 1940 in Newark (New Jersey) in the family of the surgeon. He graduated from New York Kolumbyisky University (Department of Arts) and Sarah Lawrence College. For the first time attracted the attention of movie "Congratulations" and "Hello, mother" - a rather vicious satirical comedies of life of New York bohemia, with the participation of young Robert De Niro and Jill Kleyboro. These films have not yet represent his mature style, which many film scholars consistently matched with the style of the Hitchcock. One need only look to primseru, the scene in the museum from the film "Dressed to kill" (1980) - immediately clear where he podglyadel methods of creating "suspense", all these sudden shocks assembly.
Roll with the films "great Hitch" takes a creative director a lot of space. Stylistic and narrative parallels between the "obsession" and hichkokovskim "Vertigo", between "dressed to kill" (1980) and "Psychosis" (1960) are visible to the naked eye. Equally enthusiastically, he cites and prepares Antonioni's Blow Up in his Blow Out (piercing), and - on the Rights of the classic - itself.
The film, which De
Palma broke into cash directors - "Carrie" (1976) - also made under the influence of Hitchcock. Is a kind of classic new subgenre, established in the 70-ies in American cinema. In movies this direction surreal, mystical, infernal elements as would be mounted in a totally real, normal, tranquil world of the American suburb. The culmination of this style - "Poltergeist" (1982) Toba Hooper.
In the second half of the eighties De
Palma a few away from postmodern experimentation and began to shoot sturdy genre paintings. This period began with the movie "Scarface" (1983) - heavy remake of the famous action movie Howard Hawks in 1932 in the contemporary material (Cuban exiles). There is not a game of quotes - style "big Hollywood film" is cited as a whole.
"The Untouchables" (1987) look like a simple пЄпЎп?я€пЎя?пҐя?п№ thriller based on the material life of Al Capone. A screen adaptation of Tom Wolfe novel "Bonfire of Vanity" (1990), conceived as "a satirical comedy, a deafening flop. Therefore, in "Educating Kane" (1992)
Brian De
Palma returns to the tried and tested Freudian - hichkokianskim explanation of split personality.
. "Carlito's Way" (1993) - again a remake of a genre filma.Cherez ten years after the "Persons with a scar" Al Pacino and De
Palma are together again - make a movie about gangster
. Pacino brilliantly conveys the spiritual movement repentant gangster, but zabronzovevshy De
Palma heavy but flexible hand absolutely controls the development of the film.
"Mission: Impossible" (1996) - film version of the television series of the same name early 70's with Peter Graves in the role of team leader of secret agents who receive instruction Self Destruct drive against communism. Y De
Palma Graves has replaced Tom Cruise, but the struggle with the Communists has been replaced with clashes between members of the Warsaw Pact collapsed. The film was one of the major hits in 1996.
Original visual solution did not save ambitious thriller "Snake Eyes" (1998) of the total failure. Stars of the film Niclas Cage and Gary Sinise tried as best they could, but the lack of a coherent drama has done its job. Science fiction picture "Mission to Mars" (2000) seems to completely cut out of quotations - from "2001 Space Odyssey" Stanley Kubrick, to the "Contact" Robert Zemeckis.
Brian De Palma: "Mission: satisfiable"