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Anatoly Sobchak

( Bavshy mayor of St. Petersburg.)

Comments for Anatoly Sobchak
Biography Anatoly Sobchak

Birth 10 August 1937, Mr.. Graduated from the Faculty of Law and the Leningrad State University (LSU). Speaks English.
In 1959, Mr.. After graduation worked as a lawyer in the distribution of the Stavropol Territory Bar Association, then head of legal advice in the Stavropol Territory.
In 1962. returned to Leningrad. He graduated from the Leningrad State University (LSU).
From 1965 to 1968. taught at the Leningrad Special School Police Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.
In 1968-1973 he. - Associate Professor of the Leningrad Technological Institute of Pulp and Paper Industry.
From 1973 to 1981. - Associate Professor, from 1982 to 1989. - Professor, Head of the Department of Business Law LSU. He was dean of the law faculty of Leningrad State University.
In May 1987, Mr.. became a candidate in June 1988. - A member of the CPSU.
In 1989. elected people's deputy of the USSR. At the first congress became a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He was Chairman of the USSR Armed Forces Subcommittee on Economic Legislation, Committee on Legislation, Law and Order.
In June 1989, Mr.. became part of the Interregional Deputy Group (MDG).
In April 1990, Mr.. elected to the Leningrad City Council.
May 23, 1990, Mr.. elected chairman of the Leningrad City Council.
June 12, 1991, Mr.. elected mayor, Mr.. St. Petersburg.
In July 1991, Mr.. was one of the founders of the Movement of Democratic Reforms (DDR).
In October 1993. led the federal list of candidates to the State Duma of Rossiyskogo Movement for Democratic Reform (RDDR). December 12, 1993, Mr.. for election to the State Duma of the 5-th convocation unit did not have necessary for passage in the State Duma of bare cos.
In December 1995, Mr.. elections in Gos.Dumu convening Anatoly Sobchak electoral bloc headed Rossiyskogo movement of democratic reform. Block did not get needed to win 5 percent of the vote.
In February 1996, Mr.. joined Petersburg branch of the Our Home - Russia ".
April 26, 1996, Mr.. was registered as a candidate for governor of St. Petersburg.
July 3, 1996, Mr.. lost the election the governor Vladimir Yakovlev.
July 7, 1996, Mr.. during the pre-election trip to St. Petersburg, Boris Yeltsin personally thanked Anatoly Sobchak for his great contribution to the democratic reforms, strengthening and development of Russia's statehood.
June 18, 1997, Mr.. Governor Vladimir Yakovlev, filed a lawsuit in Dzerzhinsky People's Court on the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation, which is named as a defendant, Anatoly Sobchak. The reason for the appeal to the courts was the interview Sobchak, published in the newspaper "Top Secret", in which he suggested the relationship with his successor, the Tambov criminal group.
October 3, 1997, Mr.. He was taken to the inquest prosecutor's office escorted by riot police to testify as a witness in the case of abuse of a number of responsible officials of the former leadership of St. Petersburg City Hall. After that was sent to intensive care with a heart attack in the 122-S infirmary of St. Petersburg (third heart attack).
November 7, 1997, Mr.. discharged from the clinic of cardiovascular surgery of the Military Medical Academy and flew to France for further treatment in an American hospital in Paris, where the surgery was done cleaning the blood vessels (coronary angioplasty).
September 13, 1998, Mr.. Russia General Prosecutor's Office instituted criminal proceedings against Anatoly Sobchak on two articles of the Criminal Code - "bribe" and "abuse of office".
On November 7, 1997 to July 12, 1999 lived in Paris. He has lectured at the Sorbonne and other French universities, has published over 30 articles, has written two books, in particular, "A dozen knives in the back Sobchak, the presentation of which was already in Moscow.
November 2, 1999 registered as a candidate for the State Duma by 210 district of Saint-Petersburg. November 10, 1999, Mr.. criminal case dismissed for lack of evidence.
December 15, 1999, Mr.. prepared for publication a new book, "Questionnaire" (Materials for a Biography of Joseph Dzhugashvili-Stalin).
December 21, 1999, Mr.. Not passed the State Duma after losing to Peter Shelishch - the candidate of the Yabloko and announced that he had decided to participate in the election for governor of St. Petersburg.
February 14, 2000. appointed trustee of the presidential candidate Vladimir Putin and head of the Political Consultative Council of the democratic parties and movements Petersburg.
February 20, 2000 about 01.00 AM, died in Svetlogorsk (Kaliningrad region). At the conclusion of forensic cause of death was acute heart failure.

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Anatoly Sobchak, photo, biography
Anatoly Sobchak, photo, biography Anatoly Sobchak  Bavshy mayor of St. Petersburg., photo, biography
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