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Tchuisse Jerry-Christian

( Athlete, football)

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Biography Tchuisse Jerry-Christian
(p. January 13, 1975)
This quick, very tenacious and active immediately noticed a dark-skinned football player all soccer fans. But, of course, before they did Jerry-Christian experts noted, and now Tchuisse plays for the best club in Russia, for Moscow's "Spartak". What is he, that the Cameroon, in a short time became one of the most prominent figures in the football poleN
- Why did you decide to come to RossiyuN
- Frankly, at first I was not going to do here. But during the pre-selection for the national team of Cameroon became acquainted with a gentleman who lived eight years in your country. He offered to try his luck in Russia. I had to go to the Spanish club Valencia. But it dragged on, and I said to myself: "We should try to Russia, but we'll see. If it does not work, start from scratch. When I played for "Chernomorets", received two offers - from "Spartacus" and of "Lokomotiv". Since the "Spartacus" - Russia's best club and it is well known in the world, I chose him to create a name for himself. I would like to participate in the Champions League, the whole world saw me. This is the dream of every footballer.
- It's no secret that the level of our domestic championship is not too high ...
- Quite simply it is less media coverage. On NTV + continuously transmit only championship of Brazil. The level of Russia's championship is quite high, but to more accurately assess its need to have experience of playing in other countries. If I was playing in Germany or Italy, I would have to compare. Since Russia is against a team of German and Spanish clubs and with honor out of the situation, we can talk about the high level of Russia's club.

. - Of course, this is one of my priorities
. The fact that they won the African Cup and a gold medal at the Olympics, simply superb. I am proud that I am Cameroonian. Incidentally, I have a friend in the team - central defender ( "cleaner"), Raymond Kalla.
- How do you evaluate a Cameroonian football tselomN It's no secret that the Cameroonian players - some of the best in the world. Why in your country such a good shkolaN
- Football for us - the national sport. As so many good players ... This is God's gift. Of course, in Cameroon there is some good football school. But I, for instance, learned to play street soccer and special education has not received.
- Where do you start to play futbolN
- I started in Douala, in the quarter Bonaberi. Then I noticed coaches. Leopard. I received offers from other clubs in Cameroon, but chose the "Leopard".
- What are the goals you set yourself in "Spartacus" N
- Call of the Champions League. Well speak. To me noticed. It is nice when you talk about: "It's a great player". Then you want to work even better.
- You are going to stay long in "Spartacus" N
- If you were a footballer and you had to choose between the "Milan" and "Chernomorets" you for anything on earth would choose "Chernomorets". But this does not mean that you have all the time chasing the biggest clubs. Look at Ronaldo, best player in the world. He stands for "Inter", and before that played in "PSV Eindhoven". This, of course, not the world's best clubs. But Ronaldo and it showed what he can do.
- Does this mean that the profession does not matter where igratN
- No, of course. We should not neglect the financial side of things. I play in "Spartacus" in order to get me noticed, and in order to earn money.
- You have taken the place had gone to play in Turkey Khlestov. Competition within the "Spartacus" silnayaN
- Yes, it is very hard. That's why, when you are given the opportunity to play, you need to use this opportunity to seize the fortune even teeth. Otherwise, your place to someone else, and all the rest of the time you spend on the bench.
. - Do you have friends in "Spartacus" N What is the relationship you have with another igrokamiN
. - Only professional.
. - How do you feel about Filimonov (goalkeeper "Spartacus") N
. - This is a great goalkeeper.
. - They say he likes to swear
. And at you he krichitN
- It's his role, when it does not go, he must swear. He shouted: "Look, you took is not the place you are standing unsuccessfully, to move". He said that all the players, I find it normal.
- What are you doing to maintain sports formyN Observe dietuN
- Yes, to support the weight. We are always weighed before and after training. In the morning I do not eat at all, little snacks in the afternoon and evening eating thoroughly. Avoid fat: cakes, cheese, fried potatoes. Do not drink, do not smoke. From childhood used to wake up every morning at 6.00 - 6.30, without an alarm.
- Tell us a little about yourself.
- Born January 13, 1975 in Nkonsamba. I - the second child in the family, my father has two wives and eight children. My wife's name is Marie, a son - Ivan, Yuri, his eight months.
- Would you like to see your son also became futbolistomN
- No. Football - too heavy exercise, I do not want him to adopt my. Indeed, except for football, I do not know how. I want the son became a doctor. But even if he decides to play football, let them first will master some other profession. I will help him in this.
- Do you believe in BogaN
- Yes, I have grown up believing. My whole family believes in God. Without Him nothing can be done. My house is two Bibles and New Testaments.
- In church hoditeN
- No, zachemN enough that faith was in the shower.
- It was hard to adapt to Russia usloviyamN
- Yes, it is not easy, especially because of the cold. But you can get used to everything.
- Russian already vyuchiliN
- Your language is very difficult. But the main thing to be able to explain that you understand, even if you say "he" instead of "she". However, the majority of Russian people that I meet on the streets, for some reason take me for an American and begin to speak to me in English.
- Footballers "Spartacus" is a fairly decent money, even by European standards. Interestingly, they see "Spartacus" as a springboard to move to the more prestigious European clubs, he or they are satisfied
- For other will not speak. Personally, I believe that life should be content with what you have. However, sometimes you want to achieve something greater.

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  • lena for Tchuisse Jerry-Christian
  • Chris, answer the Rock
  • lena for Tchuisse Jerry-Christian
  • Christian, answer me at this address.
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