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Alighieri Maria (Enzensberger)

( The daughter of famous poet Margaret Josephovna Aliger)

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Biography Alighieri Maria (Enzensberger)
She was the daughter of famous poet Margaret Josephovna Aliger and even more famous writer Alexander Fadeev. For beautiful Masha, a thin girl with eyes like icicles, stretched a long tail of eminent admirers. Young poets, actors, artists. She worked Tvardovsky in the "New World", shone in the Moscow art "houses" in the most exquisite galleries, premieres and opening ...
In the summer of 1990 in London, was just the African heat. International Scientific Symposium on the history of cinema refuge from the heat of the massive walls of the Museum of World Wars. Once this building belonged to the famous London house for the insane - "Bedlam". In the figurative sense of the word "bedlam" even entered the Russian language. The madness that was to follow exactly in line with this place.
In the first "coffee" break between sessions the scientists to me literally ran Russian lady:
- Oh, how I tell you: as I told you happy!
I did not immediately recognize Masha Aliger. Many years ago in Moscow, we were vaguely familiar - because it really quite a long time, even before the war, my parents taught in the Literary Institute with her mother, the famous poet Margarita Iosifovna Aliger. Masha's father was a writer then even more famous - Alexander Fadeev. For beautiful Masha, a thin girl with eyes like icicles, stretched a long tail of eminent admirers. Young poets, actors, artists. She worked Tvardovsky in the "New World", shone in the Moscow art "houses" in the most exquisite galleries, premieres and opening. My God, I do very little about it knew. Why is it so strange, so disproportionate to me obradovalasN
Then we, few Muscovites who have escaped from the "Bedlam", Masha drove in the cooling evening London, lionize - smart, accurate, efficient. But without much enthusiasm. And the next evening she invited to her home two Muscovites - my friend Professor Leonid Kozlov and me.

By this time I am in the most general terms, resumed in the memory of a biography of hostess. Long ago, in Moscow's youth, she married the German poet Hans Magnus Enzensberger. She lived with him in Cuba, traveled many countries. But the family is not formed. Masha, it seems, failed the role of Frau Enzensberger, respectable German wife - cooking for her husband's coffee in the morning and afternoon airing of the quilts on the windowsill. And so. After separating from her husband, Masha in 1969 settled in London. About her the local triumphs in Moscow reached the most incredible rumors. Teaches at the University. Publishing books and articles. Translates. Language taught in such a way that shifts the poems, not only from English into Russian, but even from Russian into English. Her translations of Mandelstam and others known poet, Mayakovsky, our contemporaries. Well, a house with a garden in the prestigious area of London - itself
In this very house in Highgate, we Kozlov and supper. In the rooms - no trace of British life. Sweet prevails Moscow carelessness - in a manner suitable for housewives, piled books, manuscripts, Latin American and African trinkets, a portrait of Hemingway - the inevitable accessory of the Soviet intelligentsia apartment early seventies. On chairs and the table walking gray cat with white markings, all seemed to love to steal a piece of ham. Masha Recommends beast naturedly:
- Thief - a white shirt-front.

Ten minutes later, we forget that behind the windows of London Highgate. Moscow girl and two elderly "Russian boy" in all of oratory, as in Moscow kitchen. On global issues, about cinema, about Pushkin. Masha with a special and somehow painful attention listens to my bike that the great Pushkin's lines

How lawless comet
In the circle to the number of luminaries
cover not only stray a society lady, but also Byron. The poet, who did not get along in a stiff circle of London, dropped everything and went to fight for the freedom of the Greek Orthodox. There perished. Masha immediately, even without listening to my arguments, scholars, takes this version. And the conversation is dumped on the London manner of life of Mrs. Enzensberger. Also, I see something joyless.

- I'm settled in LondoneN why I was here a family of English friends. Close-close. Relatives, as I thought. And all went well until, while in this family is not dead man. Well, I do the only possible way for themselves: to throw to help with the funeral, cook dinner, I sit with the children, stayed overnight. VernoN And in those terrible days friends gratefully accepts my help. But then, when their grief calms down, they somehow see me cool down, once they move away. It turns out I was imposed. It turns out I was not supposed to see them killed, lost face. It turns out that I broke the main English principle: one must solve their own problems. And only himself.
Masha shows us all the greatness, but the horror of English civilization. Here the child from early childhood inspire: the biggest and most important value - it is your self, your independence from other. Even from the closest. The more this very independence, the more respect you. And vice versa: shame, if you unselfishly help. Mrs Thatcher's aphorism that the free cheese is only in a mousetrap - just about it.

- Here's to you, boys, an example. Six months ago, I called my friend. It is in the library of the British Museum works. You know, I say, I do zashilas, horror as once. You would not take for me to house such a kniguN She took, though frowned. Three days ago I called her again - with an apology, but with the same request. She refused. "No, dear, it's your problem - why do they take on menyaN". And in general - here to meet with a friend, you must negotiate at least one week. And I do not know in advance whether I want her to see it next Tuesday from half past five to seven vecheraN

. - Masha, - I ask - as if suddenly in the night so bad that I want to howl and climb in petlyuN you, go and call something nekomuN
. - I'm in such cases, calling somebody in Moscow
. Or my psychoanalyst. He talk to me, and then sends the mail account.

Moscow for her - good memories, strange paradise, where standing in queues and are rags. But because they love each other, so ready to understand, help to warm. And so beautifully Galda until morning in the kitchen, deciding ecumenical issues that were not well, absolutely no practical sense

. The very next day in the first "coffee" break symposium Masha took me on a bench in front of "Bedlamoff" and asked: how would I reacted to her return to the MoskvuN
. - NasovsemN
. - Yeah, for good:

. If I was an Englishman! I would calmly reminded that it is her problem, so let it do as it sees fit
. But if I were an Englishman, she would not have asked. And then - I knew that she had already decided. Moscow difficulties it was easy to foresee, but I deliberately lightly replied:
- What! Go ahead, try!
New, 1991 Masha met in Moscow. It was not coming for good. So only - fitting. But friends have already started to look for her housing, work. In Soviet times - even at its very end - all battered hard, with lots of meaningless effort. Still, that trip was short, but solid holiday. She ran to the old and new friends, wandered about the Tversky boulevard, reading and listening to poetry, with pleasure waged a long philosophical conversations on the phone.

In the summer we would be greeted as a new Muscovite. She waited more than a decent apartment in Moscow standards and place staff magazine Kinovedcheskie notes ", where Kozlov was working, and I worked. Who does not remember the August-September 1991-goN putsch, the crowd outside the White House, the collapse of the CPSU, the funeral of three boys Vagankovsky: Masha lived and experienced all this with us. Days passed, weeks. She looked tired and in no hurry to start work.

I remember, though in the film-shots bad movie: Passion Boulevard, bench, it's spitting rain, the first autumn leaves gently fall down under the feet. Masha ezhitsya. She was bad.
- Is that - ask - even English spleen or have Russian handraN
- Get. You do not understand. And all of you here do not understand.
Bad because there is no longer one of Moscow. Of which she left twenty years ago. It ended the romantic night vigils in kitchens, workshops of artists, the embankments. Can not go to sleep in the morning to a close friend. VozrastN But what have vozrastN your children - not your. They are very well learn to earn money and do without your Pushkin or my M.. Yesterday heard a girl student from a payphone made arrangements for a meeting with his girlfriend - turns out they only on Wednesday and only an hour and a half. Such business:
. - And why do you hocheshN I hope you mothballed Moscow as of those still godyN To the mass of free time again: if you want - for standing in lines, you want - to read samizdataN Or for the BBC through BBC zaglushkuN I'm sorry:
. - Understand
. It is not fool all the same. But keep in mind: Moscow yours inching in London. People lose their warmth, compassion and selflessness. Soon to start a cult of exchange rates, the dominance of bankers and analysts, fortune-tellers and prostitutes of both sexes. And the money for the film, a book exhibition will have to beg for some stupid pfefferzaka.

I have not forgotten that "pfefferzak" - German moneybags, rich. With Masha I did not agree, although her personal catastrophe realized. And, as I thought, rated. It was impossible to her Russian-Soviet girl, go for twenty years. Unlike many immigrants, she has not ceased to love her to Moscow, their Russia. And unlived years here, of course, the gift is not passed. Because the tears in his voice.
I climbed off the bench, asked:
- RazdumalaN and returns - from the taiga to the moreyN
- No, I changed my mind. Just go to London to complete the case.
So it was planned: Masha is going to sell a house in Highgate, cancel lecture contracts, say goodbye to friends there the. And then - to us, "Kinovedcheskie notes", in all the charms and the vicissitudes of life in Moscow. Its waiting for us, waiting for her mother, Margarita Aliger, in his old apartment in Lavrushinsky Lane. In order Masha and conducted:
A week later, I come to the editor "Kinovedcheskie notes". Leonid Kozlov pushes me out of the room into the corridor and half voice says:
. - She: From London rang: It did away with them:
. That's all.
. In English friends were some illusion that it can not commit suicide, but simply an unexpected overdose of sleeping pills
. Let people think so. But I do know: They buried Masha in Moscow, but no force on this recall. It is painful and frightening.
"Lawless comet" traced their way across borders, nations, cultures. And faded ...

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Alighieri Maria (Enzensberger), photo, biography
Alighieri Maria (Enzensberger), photo, biography Alighieri Maria (Enzensberger)  The daughter of famous poet Margaret Josephovna Aliger, photo, biography
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