Weizsacker (Weizsacker) Victor Von( German physician, internist)
Comments for Weizsacker (Weizsacker) Victor Von
Biography Weizsacker (Weizsacker) Victor Von
(21.4.1886, Stuttgart - 9/1/1957, Heidelberg) - German physician, internist, neurologist and philosopher, one of the leading representatives of psychosomatic medicine in Germany. After training in the gymnasium was educated at the universities of Tö?bingen, Freiburg, Berlin, Heidelberg (MD). Since 1911. worked as an assistant in a medical clinic in Heidelberg, from 1910. by 1919. received additional education on the physiology (r. Criz, Cambridge), with 1914. by 1919. was in the army. Since 1923, Mr.. it - an extraordinary professor of neurology at Heidelberg. Great influence on its development has W. Freud, who Weizsöºcker considered a genius. Weizsacker - one of the founders of the anthropology of medicine, based on the concept of 'being-in-the-world' and 'being-with-others' and close on methodological orientations 2-nd of the Leipzig school of psychological (mainly 'psychological integrity' F. Kruger). Her task was seen in the understanding of the painful symptoms of the patient in the context of his spiritual development, as a concrete and tangible evidence of the problems of this development. . Introduced the concept Gestaltkreis ( 'circle shape') to describe the relationship of the organism and the world, . whereby the primary unit of analysis should be integrated education, . includes the perception, . and motion, according to this concept of eye movement, . example, . necessarily accompany the perception of any form ( 'Der Gestaltkreis, . Theorie der Einheit vom Wahrnehmen und Bewegen ', 4 Aufl., Lpz., 1949). . He tried to realize their vision of medicine in the integrity of the 'anthropological psychotherapy', . which united the approaches to the man from the standpoint of natural science of medicine and psychoanalysis, . which is treated in the existentialist vein, . by relying on the teachings of Heidegger, . Literature.