BERNE, Eric( American psychologist and psychiatrist)
Comments for BERNE, Eric
Biography BERNE, Eric
(1902-1970), American psychologist and psychiatrist. Developed a 'transactional analysis' - an original direction in theoretical psychology and in psychotherapy practice. Developing the ideas of psychoanalysis, B. focused on interpersonal, . underlying types of human 'transactions' (three ego states: 'adult', . 'parent', . 'child'), . At any given moment the relationship with other people an individual is in one of these states (cm, . Transactional analysis). Certain place B. removes the concept of 'game', used to refer to all varieties of hypocrisy, insincerity, and other negative practices taking place in relations between people. Target psychologist practices in mind:, . to liberate people from these 'games', . skills to ryh-digested in early childhood, . and teach him a more honest, . open and psychologically advantageous forms of transactions ( 'Games, . in which people play (Psychology of human relations), . People who play games (psychology of human destiny) ',