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Druzhininsky George A.

( General Director of ZAO `Office-20 Metrostroy`.)

Comments for Druzhininsky George A.
Biography Druzhininsky George A.
After school, in 1968, he enrolled in LIIZhT, where five years of study at the Department of Bridges and Tunnels "combined not only with social activities, but also with the scientific work at the Laboratory of modeling of tunnels.
In 1973, graduated from the institute, George A. was drafted into the army, where he served in the officers' posts
. After serving in the Soviet Army, . In 1975 George went to work in Druzhininsky Lenmetrostroy, . where passing fast enough career path of a replacement engineer to the head of the underground station in SMU-13, . he built the station and tunnels of the Leningrad Metro: Leninsky Prospekt, . Obuhovo, . Institute of Technology-2:,
. In 1984
. George A. moved to his mother who later became SMU-20. First, the chief engineer, then - in 1991 - 1994 he. - Chief, and from 1994 to 2000. - General Director of JSC already SMU-20 Metrostroi, which in 2000 became known as JSC "Management-20 Metrostroy
. Presenting a vivid image of the head of the modern type, . George A. Druzhininsky joined in his work a few features, . constituent principles of modern management in the construction, . and constitutes the components of a modern leader, . without which success in the modern world market and technology - can not,

. During the years of construction management facilities of the St. Petersburg metro Georgy A. gained much experience, . inquisitive mind that engineers and managers consistently correlate with advanced technologies and development of domestic and foreign science,
. No wonder George A. marked by the title of Honorary traffic builder "and" Honored Builder of Russia ". These titles are a sign of public recognition of the creative talent manager, who in the era of the market and technology development, the key to success in the construction business made a bid to "work on a new". We Druzhininsky - in the concept of "work on the new" is much. And above all, is a synthesis of deep economic knowledge management control, and innovation building technology workers and engineers on site.
Constantly raising the professional level, George A. was involved in a number of specialized workshops for managers - both in Russia and abroad - in Finland, England, United States (School of Business at Duke University). While still a student in LIIZhT, George Druzhininsky are good "friends" with scientists working in the Laboratory of modeling of tunnels. He even predicted a scientific career, and offered to stay in graduate school. But the tendency in science resulted in the other - his regular contact with scientists from St. Petersburg is now established that a genuine link "scientific laboratory - construction site, which was embodied in the modern notion of technical progress. George A. himself is the author of more than 30 rationalist proposals (all introduced in production), co-author of "Composition of the solution for sealing joints and has a patent for an invention.
With enormous organizational skills, George A. Druzhininsky has authority over not only his team but also other organizations of St. Petersburg.
Through continuous efforts to strengthen human resources company, he managed to gather around him a group of professionals like-minded high-level, where the Chief Engineer of the Office - Vyacheslav A. Korablev, "Honored Builder of Russia"
. Technical Director - Anatoly E. Kosterev, PhD, Honorary builder of Russia ".
. In addition, all chief executives of JSC "Management-20 Metrostroy have Certificates of conformity of State Construction Committee of Russia to conduct professional activities in the field of construction.


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  • Alex for Druzhininsky George A.
  • why the bridge work Moldovians and they get paid like us?
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    Druzhininsky George A., photo, biography
    Druzhininsky George A., photo, biography Druzhininsky George A.  General Director of ZAO `Office-20 Metrostroy`., photo, biography
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