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ZhUKOVA Maria Vadimovna

( Writer-translator.)

Comments for ZhUKOVA Maria Vadimovna
Biography ZhUKOVA Maria Vadimovna
Born January 6, 1965, Mr.. in Leningrad in a family of employees.
In 1982-1988. - Study at Leningrad State University. AA. Zhdanov, Faculty, Department of "English Language and Literature, night. Specialty Diploma: Philologist.
Since August 1988 working instructor at the institute training for managers and specialists of the Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR.
Since 1990 - the typist in the Business School Goskominturista USSR.
Since 1992 - a translator in the small enterprise "Excursions".
Since 1994 - Interpreter in LLP Business firm "Selena".
Since 1996 teacher at the center of Rehabilitation "Child Psychiatry.
Published on 31 transfer: 23 novels, 2 novellas, 5 stories, 1 Essay. The first translation was published in 1993. (Louis L'amour. Dan Rodel. At Sat: Kill or Be Killed. - SPb.: Lenizdat, 1993). Translations published in the following publishers: "North West", "ABC", "Lenizdat", "Interspekt" (St. Petersburg), "Eridanus" (Minsk), the journal "Neva", the newspaper "Literary Russia".

Translating from English:
1. Louis L'amour. Dan Rodel. At Sat: Louis L'amour. Kill or Be Killed. - SPb.: Lenizdat, 1993.
2. Christopher John. Little men. At Sat: Theater of Dr. Fear. - SPb.: TOO Interspekt, 1994.
3. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Lonely heiress. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 2. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1995.
4. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Shadow slender woman. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 4. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1995.
5. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Diary sunbathers. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 7. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1995.
6. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Requires an attractive brunette. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 8. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1995.
7. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Gloomy Girl. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 9. - Mn.: Eridanus. 1995.
8. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Delayed murder. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 11. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1995.
9. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Alarmed by the waitress. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 13. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1995.
10. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Lucky loser. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 14. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1995.
11. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Mink, moth-eaten. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 16. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1996.
12. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Double undiluted. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 17. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1996.
13. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Singing girl. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 20. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1996.
14. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Double daughters. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 21. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1996.
15. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Blond luck. In: Gardner Earle Steny. Coll. cit., t. 2. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1996.
16. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Loving sister. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 23. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1996.
17. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Careless Kitten. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 23. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1996.
18. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Deadly Toy. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 24. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1996.
19. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Mischievous heiress. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 24. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1996.
20. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Charming ghost. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 25. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1996.
21. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Dying kiss. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 25. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1996.
22. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Pins Fong. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 26. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1996.
23. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Valley small fears. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 26. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1996.
24. Gardner, Earl Stanley. Curve lightning. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 26. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1996.
25. Gardner, Earl Stanley. At arm's length. In: Gardner, Earl Stanley. Coll. cit., t. 26. - Mn.: Eridanus, 1996.
26. Perry SD. Labyrinth. At Sat: Perry S., Bischof D. Planet Hunters. - SPb.: Azbuka-Terra. 1997.
27. Lord J. Edge eternal dreams. At Sat: Chronicles of Richard Blade, vol.7. - St. Petersburg: North-West, 1998.
28. Lord J. Temples Ayokana. At Sat: Chronicles of Richard Blade, t. 9. - SPb.: North-West, 1998.
29. Robert Howard. The Lost Valley of Iskander. At Sat: Howard, Robert. Sign fire. - SPb.: North-West, 1998.
30. Makkallers Carson. Night - a harbinger of freedom. - SPb.: "Literary St. Petersburg, # 6, 2000.
31. Dorothy Parker. Garter. - SPb.: Neva, # 8, 2000.

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ZhUKOVA Maria Vadimovna, photo, biography
ZhUKOVA Maria Vadimovna, photo, biography ZhUKOVA Maria Vadimovna  Writer-translator., photo, biography
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