Sergeeva Irena Andreyevna( Poet)
Comments for Sergeeva Irena Andreyevna
Biography Sergeeva Irena Andreyevna
Born in St. Petersburg on Oct. 2, 1936 in a family of Russian intellectuals. The ancestors of the father from the Orlov, the mother - of Novgorod Province. She graduated from the School of Library and Institute. She worked as a librarian and bibliographer. Printed beginning in 1960, the first book "The Guest" was published in 1973. In 1976 he admitted to the Union of Soviet Writers. Author of literary articles, translated from Ukrainian, Georgian, Serbian, in Belarus, and others. Editor, is the author of the anthology "The Day of Russian poetry" (issues since 1994), a series of books of poetry and prose. Laureate of the joint venture of Russia "Tradition" 1996.
Major publications: "Guest". Lyrics. L., "Sov. writer, 1973. "Wind in the city". L., "Sov. writer, 1980. "At the crossroads of nightingale songs". Lyrics. L., "Sov. writer, 1985 Bridges over the waters ". Lyrics. Lenizdat, 1991. Verses from the diary ". 1992 1993.S-Pb.1994. Verses from the diary ". 1994 1995.S-Pb.1996 "Odolen-grass". Favorites. V.1. S.-Pb, "LIO EDITOR, 1996. Petrol Stone. Favorites. V.2. S.-Pb, "LIO EDITOR, 1996. "Letters of Love". (Lyrics). St. Petersburg, "LIO EDITOR, 1998. "Trained time". Lyrics. St. Petersburg, "LIO REDAKOR, 1998. "Russian channel". Verses one year. S.-Pb, "LIO EDITOR, 1999. "Mom. Prayers for the Dead ". (Forty poems), St.-Petersburg, 2000. "The sorrow my joy to ultimately offer". Favorites. V.3. S.-Pb, "LIO EDITOR, 2000.
Drafting, editing: "Double Rainbow". (Poetry and Prose of Russian and Georgian writers.) Entered. paper, drawing. M., "Contemporary", 1983. 487 with. "Day of Russian poetry". S.-Pb, "LIO EDITOR" ,1994-2000. Northern Flowers. Almanac. (Edit). S.-Pb, "LIO EDITOR, 1999. "Love, Hope and Faith". \ Modern Russian prose. \ (Entered. art, writing, editing). S.-Pb, "LIO REDAKOR, 1999. etc..
Translations: Lukiv, Mikola. "Melody for her mother and beloved". Lyrics. Translated from Ukrain. M., "Sov. writer, 1991. 160p. Buthashvili, Avtandil. "Nesting eagles". Lyrics. Translated from the cargo. S.-Pb. "LIO EDITOR, 1999. etc.