Skinny Michael I.( Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Russia, professor of technology construction materials and repair of textile machinery Kostroma State technologica)
Comments for Skinny Michael I.
Biography Skinny Michael I.
Born December 20, 1911. G. Baku. Father - lean Ilya Meerovich. Mother - Lydia thin Isaevna. Wife - lean Antonina.
After seven years of school N 11 g. Baku in 1925, entered the Baku Mechanical College (1925-1929 gg.), And then in Moscow Electromechanical Institute of Railway Transport (1930-1935).. He received a mechanical engineer. After graduation he worked several months as an engineer-designer of the experimental group on the Kaluga machine-building plant (02.1935-06.1935 gg.). In July 1935, he moved to the fire, where he started work in the Kostroma Textile Institute (later the Kostroma Technological Institute). At the Institute he worked until December 1966. Consistently held the post of assistant, acting assistant professor, associate professor, professor, head of the department of technology of construction materials and repair of textile machinery, dean of the Faculty of Mechanical. During the Great Patriotic War, worked as a consultant at a military plant without interrupting the work of the institute. From 1966 to 1977. headed the Central Scientific Research Institute of industrial equipment Textile Machinery (TsNIIMashdetal) in Moscow. As director TsNIIMashdetali continued (concurrently) working with graduate students of the Kostroma Technological Institute. In June 1977 he returned to the Kostroma Technological Institute (later the Kostroma State Technological University). Currently, he is a doctor of technical sciences, Professor of Structural Materials Technology and repair of textile machinery. Research conducted under the supervision of Professor MI. Lean, focused primarily on problems of improving the operational reliability, durability, and improved maintenance of textile machinery. This theme is reflected in almost all textbooks, monographs, articles, inventor's certificates and dissertations (all prepared 3 doctoral and 57 master's theses, which successfully protected). Officially established that the economic effect of using the results of performed group of Professor MI. Lean operations for the period 1977-1992 he. amounted to 30 million. rubles in prices of those years. On materials research published only 331 work: books (textbooks and monographs) - 33, . including 9 - in foreign languages (English - 2, . Chinese - 2, . Spanish, . Czech, . Polish, . Hungarian, . Bulgarian); papers - 265; inventor's certificates - 33, . The most important of them: "Repair of textile machinery. Textbook for high schools ", 1, 2 and 3 edition, Gizlegprom, Legprombytizdat, 30, 40 and 29 p.l, 1947, 1963, 1991.;" Repair and installation of equipment of the textile and light industry. Textbook for technical schools ", 1, 2 and 3 edition, Legprombytizdat, 19, PL, 1968, 1974, 1987.;" Operational reliability and durability of the equipment of textile enterprises ", ed. "Light Industry", 24 PL, 1980, "Lubrication equipment textile enterprises", ed. "Light Industry", 27 p, 1968. Professor MI. Lean was a member of the Expert Council of the Higher Certifying Commission (SCC) of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR (1960-1971 gg.), . rector of public urban university and technical progress (1960-1966 gg.), . member of the editorial boards of the journals "Textile Industry" (1960-1973 gg.) and "Proceedings of the universities" Technology of Textile Industry "(1961-1970 gg.), . Currently, he remains a member of two scientific councils of the Kostroma State Technological University for awarding degrees and a Ph.D. candidate from the date of the organization of the Soviets in 1960., . and a member of the Presidium of the Regional Board of society "Knowledge", . Science, research and teaching activities of Professor MI. Thin awarded the title "Honored Scientist of Russia (1993). He is Honorary Professor of Kostroma State Technological University (1995) and the Ivanovo Textile Academy (1993), as well as Honorary Citizen of Mr.. Kostroma (1997). Professor MI. Thin awarded two Orders of Honor "(1971, 1993) and eight medals. Professor MI. Lean devoted several articles in periodicals: "Michael I. skinny - an engineer, teacher, scientist (on his sixtieth birthday)", Journal of the Textile Industry "N 1, 1972;" Happy anniversary one MI. Thin ", Journal of Textile Industry, N 3, 1973," the 70-th anniversary of Professor MI. Thin "Journal" Technology of Textile Industry ", N 12, 1981;" Congratulations to Mikhail Ilyich lean hero of the day - 70 years ", Journal of Textile Industry, N 12, 1981;" lean MI. (to 75-th anniversary) "Journal" Technology of Textile Industry "N 1, 1987;" To the 80 th anniversary of Professor MI slim "Journal" Technology of Textile Industry "N 6, 1991. One of the most profound and subtle pleasures in life finds an intelligent human conversation. He likes reading Russian classics (especially Lermontov and Paustovski), and "thick" literary magazines "Banner", "New World" and others. From the newspapers like Izvestia "and" Arguments and Facts ". He is fond of chess, loves to play with friends, and sometimes parsing parties Alekhine, Fischer, Kasparov. Are pleased to listen to Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi. Collecting newspaper clippings of children's photographs.
Lives and works in g. Kostroma. Address: Russia, 156021, g. Kostroma, ul. Dzerzhinsky d. 17 Kostroma State Technological University