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Arbuzov Boris

( outstanding organic chemist.)

Photo Gallery Arbuzov Boris (2)
Comments for Arbuzov Boris
Biography Arbuzov Boris
(1903-1991) - doctor of chemical sciences, professor, member of the USSR. Winner of the Lenin and State prizes. During his lifetime he was elected an honorary academician of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan.
In 1926, Mr.. graduated from the Kazan Institute of Agriculture and Forestry.
All scientific activities BA Arbuzov inextricably linked with the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry at Kazan University - the cradle of Russian Organic Chemistry
. Continuing the glorious tradition of the Kazan School of Chemists, Arbuzov, introduced many new to the theory of the structure of organic compounds Butlerova.
. As a graduate student, he performed a number of interesting and practically important studies on the chemical composition of resin and turpentine from the Scots pine
In subsequent years, together with AE Arbuzov studied fosfonkarbonovyh acids, found the structure of acid chloride Boyd, first obtained esters pirofosforistoy, pyro-and subfosfornoy acids. During the 30 years Arbuzov conducts basic research in the field of diene synthesis and chemistry of terpenes, . and thereafter continued extensive research in the chemistry of organophosphorus compounds, . including the study of non-classical forms of rearrangement AEArbuzov, . to create new directions, . opened the way to obtaining a variety of phosphorus-containing heterocycles,
Since the mid 50-ies BA Arbuzov commenced a study on the spatial structure of organic molecules, including a variety of heterocycles containing atoms of sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus. These studies contributed to the establishment and development of a new chapter of organic chemistry - conformational analysis
. Thin study of molecular structure, begun long before the emergence of the conformational analysis, represent a logical continuation and development at the present level of ideas, AM Butlerova on the spatial structure of molecules, the mutual influence of atoms
. Feature of these works - the widespread use of modern physical methods, such as ESR, NMR - spectroscopy, massspektrometriya, electron diffraction, polarography, dipole moments, Kerr effect, etc..
High level of theoretical studies BA Arbuzov always successfully combined with their practical purposefulness. A number of works executed by them jointly with the staff, have found practical use in the wood chemical industry, synthetic rubber industry, the production of insecticides, medicines.
BA Arbuzov conducted a successful research and teaching work at the Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology (1930-1938 gg.), The Kazan University (1938-1967 gg.).
From 1958 to 1971. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and head of Physical Chemistry KFAN USSR, from 1934 to 1990. was director of the Research Institute of Chemical AM Butlerova.
We Arbuzov many talented students and followers. Among them are: Academician AI Konovalov, more than 30 doctors.
Prominent public figure, BA Arbuzov had government awards, prizes. He was a member of the Chemical Society of France, an honorary doctor of the University in g. Gdansk (Poland). He was awarded the silver medal r. Paris in connection with the 300 anniversary of the opening of phosphorus.
Outstanding organic chemist. Together with their staff and students performed more than a thousand of fundamental research in the chemistry of carbon compounds, known as Organoelement Chemistry. Together with his father and teacher of Academician AE Arbuzov made an outstanding contribution to one of its lines - the chemistry of organophosphorus compounds. Research scientist have covered the chemistry of terpenes, diene compounds, WCF, the study of the fine structure of organic compounds physico-chemical methods. In recent years, engaged in researches in the field of spatial structures of molecules.

Photos of Arbuzov Boris
  • BA Arbuzov, AHPudovik and AI Konovalov. 1983
  • Arbuzov Boris

Photos of Arbuzov Boris
Arbuzov BorisArbuzov Boris

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Arbuzov Boris, photo, biography Arbuzov Boris  outstanding organic chemist., photo, biography
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