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Ponomarev Igor

( Winner of USSR State Prize, Honored Builder of Russia, vice-president and member of the International Academy of Engineering)

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Biography Ponomarev Igor
Born November 15, 1931 in Moscow. Father - Nikolai Ponomarev (1906-1948). Mother - Juliya Zhurkovskaya (1911-1993). Wife - Ponomariov (Grushko) Nina E. (1931-1995). Daughter - Tatiana Ponomareva (1956g.rozhd.). Granddaughter - Ponomareva, Ekaterina V. (1977g.rozhd.).

Parents of Igor Nikolayevich life worked in the construction. His father, as chief engineer and director of the brick factory was involved in the construction of Komsomolsk-on-Amur (1936-1938). My mother worked in the construction ministry and head of the secretariat Gossnab USSR Deputy Minister.

I. Ponomarev decided to go in the footsteps of parents and in 1949, after graduating from high school N 23 named after Voroshilov in Moscow, entered the building and technological department of the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute named after VV Kuibyshev. At the Institute he was elected deputy secretary of the department's Bureau of the Komsomol

. In 1954 I. Ponomarev graduated with honors from the Institute and within five years he worked in design office "Industroyproekt", . where as a senior engineer and head of the group worked on new techniques in construction organizations Minmetallurghimstroya USSR,
. Geography enterprises and construction projects of the Ministry in those years was extensive, . and by the nature of the work he had to visit almost all regions of the Soviet Union: Central Russia, . Siberia and the Far East, . Belarus and Transcaucasia, . Ukraine and the Altai,

Introduction of new technology in the Ministry of the then outstanding Soviet builder, Deputy Minister Benjamin Emannuilovich Dymshits. In any specialist, regardless of the position and age, he first saw a colleague and has always supported the interesting ideas and thoughts. Providing confidence to young engineers, he nevertheless demanded and expected results. Working with such a man has to I. Ponomarev this school.

In 1959 he was invited to work in TsNIIEPzhilischa, where until 1968 he worked as chief engineer of the project and head of department. Here he worked on the development of manufacturing technology and product designs for an experimental building, including big-tall buildings. After a five-story large-panel construction, this was a great progressive step forward.

Among those who had time to develop I. Ponomarev, were high-rise projects of large-earthquake-resistant buildings in Chisinau and high-rise 16-storey buildings in Togliatti for the Volga Automobile Plant. Then the house-building factories in Kuibyshev was first commercial production of products for the construction of 16-storied large-panel houses, . they lived in the Italian engineers and specialists, . providing technical assistance in the development of production cars, "Lada" VAZ,

In 1959-1960 I. Ponomarev was a business trip in the Albanian capital city of Tirana as a senior specialist consultant in the Ministry of Construction Albania. In his jurisdiction were questions of development of new types of concrete structures, including pre-tense, which first came into use in the residential, cultural and residential construction.

During his work in TsNIIEPzhilischa within 4 years of AI Ponomarev elected secretary of the party bureau of the Institute and a member of Timiryazevsky District Committee of the CPSU. Timiryazevsky District, . where the Institute, . built intensively, . authority of the profession builders was extremely high, . and regular elections to the District Council of People's Deputies in 1968 I. Ponomarev was elected to the District Council and the Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee Timiryazevsky, . and in 1971 - Chairman of the Executive Committee,

In the area during this period took place buildings on the territory of the villages Beskudnikovo, Korovin, Lianozovo, Funikovo etc.. Erected comfortable housing, roads, squares and parks were divided. Each year, was being built up to 1 million square meters of living space, built kindergartens, shops, schools and PBX, business life. Were built four cinema: "Komsomolets", "Volga", "Baikal" and dvuhzalny "Yerevan".

Working in the executive committee, IV Ponomarev simultaneously studied in graduate school part-time TsNIIEPzhilischa, finishing that, he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences (1971).

In 1974 he was elected the first secretary Timiryazevsky District Party Committee, and a year later became secretary of the Moscow City Party Committee, where he worked until 1984.

In town I. Ponomarev worked on construction, urban planning and housing allocation. During this period, Moscow was built up to 5 million square feet of living space per year, . each transfer of large industrial building at the high-rise buildings in the 16-17 floors and above, . developed design united Moscow catalog for construction of houses with improved planning and a variety of front solutions,

In connection with the preparation of Moscow "Olympics-80" on behalf of the IGC Bureau of the CPSU in the years 1977-1980 he headed the headquarters for the construction of sports and other facilities for the Olympic Games. There were built more than 70 major facilities appreciated by athletes and guests of Moscow. Been constructed and reconstructed the Large and Small sports arena, . other sports facilities Luzhniki, . stadium Krylatskoe, . facilities Dinamo stadium and sports complex on Prospekt Mira, . Olympic Village, . Hotel "Start", . Salyut, . Tourist, . Hotel Complex "Izmailovo" on 10 thousand places, . International Trade Center at Krasnaya Presnya and 2 nd stage Ostankino television center,
. All these facilities were built without the involvement of foreign firms and professionals, with 70% of them - hands Moscow builders.

In this period before the urban capital of acutely raised the issue of capacity building of central heating sources for the complete rejection of small local boiler. The issue has been prepared and discussed at the meeting of the Bureau of the CPSU MGK. In the discussion was a tough struggle between the two points of view: to continue to build a thermal power plant, which by this time in Moscow, there were already 20, and district heat plants or move to an atomic version of the thermal power plants. We must pay tribute to the First Secretary of the CPSU MGK V. Grishin, which fully supported the opinion of the Bureau members and secretaries of the continued use of traditional sources of heat. This decision was not easy, because in this period, nuclear power, including thermal power plants, was considered a panacea and is actively supported by the President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. As a result of the decision nuclear energy to supply heat to the city either in Moscow or the Moscow region is not developed, and, as shown by the bitter experience, a multi-million metropolis escaped at least a small possibility of nuclear emission.

To improve the environment, it was decided to continue the construction of thermal power generators (CHP), mainly in the gaseous fuel, which significantly reduces air pollution.

In 1984, by decision of the Politburo I. Ponomarev was sent to work in the State Building Committee of the USSR, where the rank of first deputy chairman headed the State Committee for Civil Engineering and Architecture

. Gosgrazhdanstroy conducted dozens of central and zonal research and design institutes of the USSR pilot, . coordinated regional Gosstroy and Grazhdanproekt, . implemented urban policies and model design of housing and community facilities throughout the territory of the USSR,
. An important part of the work Gosgrazhdanstroya was developing master plans for the largest cities in the USSR. At this time, under the direction of I. Ponomarev was conducted development and approval of master plans for development of Leningrad (St Petersburg), Riga, Tbilisi, Baku, Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg), Tomsk and other major cities.

I. Ponomarev again had the opportunity to work under the direction of VE Dymshitz, who became deputy chairman of USSR Council of Ministers. Under his direct supervision Gosgrazhdanstroya and its institutions has been working to restore the housing stock of the city of Volgodonsk, . where, because of violations of the loess soils of man-made waters, most new homes, . including 9 - and 16-storey and the main span of the plant "Atommash", . been uneven foundation settlement and unacceptable deviation from the vertical,
. Given the adopted technical solutions, managed without relocation of tenants to restore verticality and reinforce the foundation of more than 20 houses, as well as the main span of the plant "Atommash". The measures resulted in savings of substantial public funds, because otherwise it would be necessary to undertake demolition of homes and the construction of their new place.

In the years 1987-1994 VI Ponomarev worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During 1987-1990, he worked at the rank of Minister-Counselor for Economic Affairs in the Soviet Embassy in Bulgaria, . where he focused on development of technical and economic forms of cooperation within the CMEA in the automotive, . e, . chemical and petrochemical industry,
. After 1990, served as managing the affairs of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. I. Ponomarev granted diplomatic rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary first class

. In 1994-1998, AI Ponomarev was invited to the Moscow government, . where the Chief Directorate for the training to the 850 anniversary of Moscow, worked on the logistics and coordination of all structures of the Moscow city government, . firms and public organizations on the preparation and conduct of commemorative activities,

A special place in preparation for the celebration of the city engaged in a comprehensive program of construction and reconstruction of regional planning. To prepare the city for the anniversary in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia by the RF Government was formed and worked for the State Commission for the preparation of Moscow to the 850 th anniversary, which was led by Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. I. Ponomarev was the executive secretary of the commission, and management to ensure its work.

Currently, AI Ponomarev - Vice-President and member of the International Academy of Engineering (since 1998)., A member of the public Board of Veterans' builders Moscow. He has repeatedly elected deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (1975-1985), deputy of the Moscow city and regional councils Timiryazevsky deputies.

I. Ponomarev - winner of the USSR State Prize, Honored Builder of Russia, was awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Honor, and medals of the USSR and Bulgaria. He - the author of numerous publications in the periodical press, has an inventor's certificate to the new technology of manufacturing reinforced concrete a high degree of prefabrication in the bunk mills (1967).

Hobby at leisure - travel by car. For many years the family traveled almost the whole of the USSR and Russia: Caucasus, Central Russia, the Baltic states, Moldova, Ukraine, Golden Ring, repeatedly visited Rzhev, Nizhny Novgorod, Leningrad.

From books and prefers the historical memoirs of TV programs - information and analysis, meetings with interesting people. Likes to go to the theater, to concerts, watch movies 50-70-ies.

Lives and works in Moscow.

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Ponomarev Igor, photo, biography
Ponomarev Igor, photo, biography Ponomarev Igor  Winner of USSR State Prize, Honored Builder of Russia, vice-president and member of the International Academy of Engineering, photo, biography
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