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Jefferson, Thomas (Thomas Jefferson)

( third president)

Comments for Jefferson, Thomas (Thomas Jefferson)
Biography Jefferson, Thomas (Thomas Jefferson)
1743 - 4.VII.1826
. In the hierarchy of active and popular presidents, . which American historians and political scientists argue jokingly, . earnest, . before 1900, Thomas Jefferson stands in third place after the country's founding father George Washington and the "liberator of slaves, Abraham Lincoln,
. History is a portrait of Jefferson, above all, as the principal author of the Declaration of Independence of 1776 and the Law on Religious Freedom in Virginia in 1786.
During his forty-year career, Jefferson held various government posts. His interests, . language skills, . compositions and, . primarily, . extensive and multilateral conversations, . which shows the intellectual activity in almost all fields of knowledge, from architecture to the history of early Christianity, . point to Jefferson as an active educator,
. He rejected the social order of Europe with the privileges of kings and aristocrats, and the names of the state church as the rule of arbitrariness to harm the majority of the population. But his own material existence rested until the end of life of 200 slaves working on the legacy of the plantation of tobacco in Virginia.
The large landowners of Virginia for many generations to hold public office and to assume responsibility for the society. So there was nothing unusual in the fact that in 1769, lived next door planters and farmers district Elbemarl sent 26-year-old Thomas Jefferson at Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia Parliament.
In 1764, Jefferson inherited a plantation in 2750 acres, which would leave at the time of his protracted absence of manager or his wife Martha Skilton Wales, widow, whom he married Jan. 1, 1772. Of their six children only two reached adulthood. In 1769, according to his own drawings of the construction of the Monticello estate, which his whole life he served as a refuge
. As a member of the House of Representatives from Virginia, . Jefferson justified in 1774 in a sensational anonymous leaflet entitled "A brief overview of the rights of British America" ancestral rights to self-government of the British colonists in North America within the Empire,
. As one of the best exponents of the views of the resistance and the deputy of Virginia in the revolutionary Continental Congress, Jefferson was assigned the task to draft a justification for the declaration of independence. Congress passed July 4, 1776 Jefferson's text, with slight changes, for example, was struck hypocritical complaint to the King for what he tolerates the slave trade. The core of the political creed of Jefferson for all his life remained the preamble of the Declaration of Independence: the approval of the governed, t. e. sovereignty of the people, is the only source of legitimate government authority.
In 1790, President Washington appointed Jefferson's first foreign minister in his cabinet. As a result of the elections in 1796 Jefferson became vice-president of the Federalist John Adams, . as the election procedure, . under the Constitution in 1787, . ignores the existence of parties, . included only one round of electorates, . established by the legislative bodies of individual states,
. A candidate who takes the second largest number of votes cast for him, automatically became vice-president. Jefferson served as chairman of the Senate and the organized opposition.
Election of the President and Congress in 1800, Jefferson gladly called "revolution" because it was replaced in the White House, the Federalist John Adams and his friends in the party adopted a majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Right then, that Jefferson as the first party leader, almost in the modern sense of the word, held a peaceful change of power at the federal level. In this case the rules have been complied with new federal constitution and do not require a revolution in the sense of a coup, to be replaced by staff and change the direction of the federal government program
. Jefferson's foreign policy decisions, . having the greatest impact, . led in 1803 to a doubling of U.S. territory at the expense of Louisiana and adjacent areas and showed, . that in crisis situations, he has completely resolve the highest representative of national interests,
. The opening of western lands beyond the Mississippi was, according to Jefferson, it is important for America is because he hoped for a peaceful space division races. He could not imagine a long coexistence of the close of free African-Americans and Euro-Americans in the same society. In his letters expressed sympathy to the ethnologist small groupings of indigenous people living in rural, but as the president did not see a future for the approximately 70 000 Indians living east of the Mississippi
. In December 1807 Jefferson prudently announced that he would not stand for third term
. This decision out of respect to two terms in office in Washington, has become a tradition until 1940. Despite the failed foreign policy, Jefferson did not leave behind a weakened institution presidents
. Age Jefferson spent his estate Monticello, . devoting time correspondence, . advice and composing exculpatory letters, . flow of visitors, . foundation of the University of Virginia in nearby Sharlottvile and burdensome daily responsibilities mired in debt planter,
. He died at the age of 83 years, July 4, 1826, on the same day as John Adams, a 50-day anniversary of Declaration of Independence, and his contemporaries with patriotic reverent trembling noted: the time of the founding fathers finally passed.

. WWC TEAM by Satya Thomas Jefferson
. Illuminator and the slave owner
as party leader, prime minister and the father of the country

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