Natalia Kuznetsova S.( Artist)
Comments for Natalia Kuznetsova S.
Biography Natalia Kuznetsova S.
Born March 11, 1955. Graduated from Moscow State Institute. VISurikova, Faculty of Painting, Theater Department. Since 1983, participated in most regional exhibitions of MOSH and CX USSR. Since 1991 member of the Moscow Artists. Since 1994, member of the International Association of Art - ATAR (UNESCO). In 1994, received the prize Shoshana and Mordechai Ish-Shalom.
Collections where works
Works are in collections CX Russia, Ministry of Culture of Russia, in private collections in Russia, Israel, France, the United States, Britain, Belgium, Germany, South Korea.
Participation in exhibitions and auctions
1990 Republican exhibition "Youth of Russia '. Central House of Artists. Moscow; 1990 Group Exhibition (Tukacheva, Yakushev, Polienko, Kuznetsova). Central House of Artists. Moscow; 1990 Group Exhibition of Soviet Artists. Germany; 1991 Moscow Regional Exhibition. Central House of Artists. Moscow; 1992 Several group exhibitions. Central House of Artists. Moscow; 1993 Solo exhibition 'Light of Freedom'. Gallery Navon and Art Club. Neve Ilan. Israel; 1994 Group Exhibition. Museum of Negev. Beer Sheva. Israel; 1994 Exhibition 'Parallels'. International Convention Center. Jerusalem 1994 'Exhibition of new members'. Artists House. Jerusalem.