Jaroslav MARTYNOV( Artist)
Comments for Jaroslav MARTYNOV
Biography Jaroslav MARTYNOV
Born in 1961 in Moscow. In 1988 he graduated from the Moscow Art School in Memory of 1905.
Collections where works
His works are in galleries and private collections in Russia, the United States, Germany, Denmark, Holland, Japan and France.
Participation in exhibitions and auctions
1986-88 17-18-th Youth exhibition. Moscow; 1987 Collage. Central vystavoch HYDRATED Hall "Manege". Moscow; 1989 Festival - 89. Central Exhibition Hall "Manege". Moscow; 1989 Festival of Contemporary Art. Modern Art Museum of Estonia People. Narva. Estonia; 1991 Contemporary Artists - Malevich. For Public Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow; 1991 May. Project 56-th parallel. Central House of Artists. Moscow; 1991, June. Project 56-th parallel. Copenhagen. Denmark; 1991 Pointed Triangle. Exhibition Village vyaschennaya VV. Kandinsky. Moscow; 1992 Labyrinth of Peace and air the house of hearts. Bochum. Germany.
Journal "Shawano leader", 01.08.1993, page. 1B; The magazine "De Gecombineerde", 18.09.1993, page. 13; Journal "Utrechts nieuwsblad", 21.09.1991, page. 21; Newspaper Moscow artist, 19.08.1988, Moscow, p.. 4.