BEZOBRAZOV Alexander( Secretary of State, one of the perpetrators of the Russian-Japanese War of 1904 - 05 пЁпЎпЄп°)
Comments for BEZOBRAZOV Alexander
Biography BEZOBRAZOV Alexander
Was an officer, was promoted to colonel, he served in East Siberia. In 1896, filed a memorandum, . which insisted on the acquisition of treasury concessions from the Korean government on logging on the Yalu River, he proceeded from the belief in the inevitability of war with Japan and hoped to create, . thus, . barrier against Japan, . His project was not implemented, but in 1901 was organized by the "Russian Timber Industry Association, with government subsidy of two million, and has acquired a concession. Member of the board (in Petersburg), and his soul was B.; having close ties with senior officials, he energetically campaigned for an aggressive policy against Japan, met with full sympathy and support from the Minister of the Interior, VK. Plehve. Partly under the influence of B. in 1903 formed Viceroyalty of the Far East and the Special Committee on the Far East. A member of the latter, with the rank of Secretary of State, was appointed to BA, and administering the affairs of the Committee, his kinsman, Rear-Admiral п?.п?. Abaza (I, 13); Committee, almost eliminated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministers from the Far East, led to war. In 1905, with the abolition of the Committee B. retired from leaving with the rank of Secretary of State.