Amman (Johann Conrad and Johann)( physician)
Comments for Amman (Johann Conrad and Johann)
Biography Amman (Johann Conrad and Johann)
(1669 - 1724), known for his merits in teaching deaf. His two essays: "Surdus loquens" (Amsterdam, . 1692, English translation 1694, German, . Prenzlau, . 1747; Grasgoffa, . Berlin, . 1828) and "Dissertatio de loquela" (Amsterdam, . 1700), . served for later teacher deaf, . especially Geynike, . basis of their research, . - 2) Johann, a physician and botanist (1707 - 41). He graduated from the course at the University of Leiden. In 1733 he was offered the St. Petersburg Academy, Department of Botany, which he held until his death, had a significant service Russian botanist. They were founded in 1736 academic botanical garden, are excellent herbaria and discusses many previously unknown plants in articles published in "Commentary Academy" (VIII and XIII). In honor of one of the species of the family Lythraceae (Lythrariae) named Ammania.