White Russians Ivan Mikhailovich( Teachers)
Comments for White Russians Ivan Mikhailovich
Biography White Russians Ivan Mikhailovich
Born in 1850. He studied at the St. Petersburg Institute of History and Philology. Consisted director Orel school. In addition to articles in "Philological Notes", . "Russian philological Gazette, . Russian Messenger "and" Journal of the Ministry of National Education ", . Belarusians printed: "The Textbook of the theory of poetry" (26 th ed., . M., . 1911), "Reading and analysis of literary models in secondary schools" (Warsaw, . 1880), "To the literature of Pushkin" (Eagle, . 1895), "Textbook on Russian grammar" (24 th ed., . ib., . 1912), "The beginnings of Russian literary criticism", . Issues I and II (Voronezh, . 1888 - 90); "Old Book and folk literature, . A Reader "(Eagle, . 1892), "Teaching and Learning Notes (2 nd ed., . ib., . 1895), "The main points in the history of the theory of poetry" ( "Philological Notes", . 1898), "Dating independent in monuments Church Slavonic and Old Russian Literature" (Warsaw, . 1899), "The syntax of the Russian language studies Potebni" (Eagle, . 1902), "Summary of palaeography old Russian literature" ( "Collected Orlovsky Church History and Archaeological Society", . t, . II); "On the correction of the Russian translation of sacred books of the New Testament" ( "Oryol Diocesan Gazette, 1907) and others