Berger, Adolf P.( archaeologist and explorer of the Caucasus)
Comments for Berger, Adolf P.
Biography Berger, Adolf P.
born July 28, 1828, Mr.. in St. Petersburg, was educated in boarding Tsapintini, in the Reformed School (1836 - 38) and Gatchina Orphan Institute. After leaving the Institute in 1847, Berger joined the Faculty of Oriental Studies of St. Petersburg University. In 1851, Mr.. graduated from the course and set a clerk in the office of governor of the Caucasus - Prince ms. Vorontsov. In 1853, Mr.. Berger has been sent for scientific purposes in Persia, where he visited the city: Tabriz, Qazvin, Tehran, Ispagan, Shiraz and others, in 1854, Mr.. returned to Tbilisi and in 1855, Mr.. sent a second. Since 1864, Mr.. until his death was chairman of the Caucasian Archaeological Commission, died in Tiflis, 31 January 1886, Mr.. Of the numerous works of Berger, . relating to the history and antiquities, . primarily Caucasian and peoples of the East, . the most prominent should be recognized published under his editorship of 11 volumes of "acts, . collected Caucasian archaeological Commission head office viceroy of the Caucasus "(Tbilisi, . 1866 - 1886), . in which materials on the history of the Caucasus brought to 1863, . (11-second volume published after the death Berger). Besides, . It should be noted: "Chechnya and the Chechens' (Tiflis, . 1859), "The history of Circassian people, . compiled from legends Kabardins Shor-Bemurzin-Nogmovym (Tiflis, . 1861), "The Caucasus in archaeological" (Tiflis, . 1874); this work Berger was also posted in the "Memoirs of the Society of Caucasian archeology", . which he was a founding member and most of the staff, "NN, . Ants during his governorship in the Caucasus, 1854 - 56 G. "(historical essay, in" Russian Antiquities ", for 1873, Prince. 10); "Ethnographic Review of the Caucasus" (St. Petersburg, 1879), "Accession of Georgia to Russia", 1799 - 1831 "(historical study," Russian Antiquities "in 1880, t. XXVIII, and many other articles on the history of the Caucasus, placed in the "Russian Antiquities" and "Caucasian calendar". The history and antiquities of the East they are written "Excerpts from a trip to Persia in 1853 - 54 years" (Tiflis, . 1854), "On national holidays,, . positions and wonderful days in the Shia Muslims in general, and Persians in particular "(" Caucasian calendar for 1856, and separately); manual "Dictionnaire Persan-Francais" (Leipzig, . 1868), . composed exclusively for persons, . dealing with the Persian translation of official documents; "Die Sanger des XVIII und XIX Jahrhunderts in adserbeidshanischer Mundart" (Leypts., . 1869) - this collection represents almost all the poetic literature of the Caucasus Moslems and, . for revocation germanskogo criticism Zarneke, . Berger published an excellent and deep knowledge of the subject and many, . dp. See. brochure "Memory A.P. Berger, "" Friends ", the album MI. Semevsky, "Historical Journal" for 1886. N 3, 1889. N 12, "Russian past" for 1886. N 3.