Bibikov Vasily Ilyich( amateur actors, a censor of plays and the playwright)
Comments for Bibikov Vasily Ilyich
Biography Bibikov Vasily Ilyich
Born in 1747, died in 1787 privy councilor. Passionately devoted to the performing arts, under the command of Bibikov A. Sumarokova was one of the first planter of the theatrical business in Russia. In the management of St. Petersburg theaters п?.п?. Elagina, Bibikov by choice of Empress Catherine II in charge of Russian troupe. Bibikov is particularly famous for the fact that according to his plan and insisted it was founded in 1779 in St. Petersburg Theater School, which became a hotbed of Russian actors. Five-act play him: "oppressor", the plot is taken from Russian life, was in the capital's theaters with great success.