Bogolyubov Semen Gavrilivich( Professor of St. Petersburg. University Department of Russian civil and criminal law proceedings.)
Comments for Bogolyubov Semen Gavrilivich
Biography Bogolyubov Semen Gavrilivich
Scientific Legal Education is not received, but studied at the boarding school at Moscow University, in 1806. entered the service and most of it spent on the commission for drafting laws. In 1824, Mr.. Bogolyubov, . on the proposal of the trustee of St. Petersburg University Runich, . was directly determined by the Minister full professor, . although the University, . Having considered the handwritten works of Bogolyubov, . found, . that he may be admitted to lectures not otherwise than as a teacher, . and then after the trial lecture, . if it proves satisfactory, . In 1832, Mr.. assumption of the Ministry of Education SS. Uvarov, Bogolyubov was dismissed from the professors, and left the service at the university in the position of indispensable assessor board. He died in February 1842