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Comments for BRYANSK Yakov
Biography BRYANSK Yakov
Born in 1790, Mr.. About his youth nothing is known. First Bryansk was intended to civil service, but an irresistible passion for the theater took its. In late July 1811, Mr.. the evening at the famous scene in the annals of Russian prince Shakhovsky. There were also IA. Krylov, sometimes writing for the theater and once dreamed to become an actor, P.A. Katenin etc.. The evening Grigoriev (name Bryansk before entering the stage) I read the role of Polynices (Ozerov's tragedy of "Oedipus in Athens") and called acclaim present. Fate Grigorieva has been solved - it was adopted in the so-called "young troupe" Prince AA. Shakhovsky. While, . when the Russian theater troupe, . whose head was the famous Yakovlev, . prevailed in our Imperial stage, . Prince Shakhovskoi of drama school students was another, . "young troupe", . which formed the future well-known Russian actors and actresses,
. The troupe that played in Kushelevskom Theater (where the current main headquarters), and it came and Bryansk, always played with Shiryaeva (later the wife Yakovlev), the first role. Changed his name to Bryansk, Grigoriev, September 11, 1811, Mr.. debuted in the role of "Shakespeare in Love" (translated in the comedy D. Yazykov, the same name). Comedy was written for the famous Duval Talma, and we have played the role of Shakespeare Yakovlev. Naturally, what was supposed to feel embarrassed, the young actor, has significantly increased by the presence of the Yakovlev. Bryansk was the victor. Yakovlev, alien intrigue and jealousy, not only impartial assessment of the game novice, but also encouraged him to further stage of. On the advice of IA. Krylova, Prince Shakhovskoi deduced Bryansk mostly in comedies and dramas, not giving him the tragic roles, to which the young actor bore a strong passion. I had the time to surrender. Soon Bryansk acted as Bezrassudova resumed in comedy Efimeva "Criminals from love, or the brothers sold the sister, in" Kazak poet the "prince Shakhovskoi and other comedies and vaudeville. But Bryansk has still not ceased to dream of a tragedy. Prince Shakhovskoi finally gave in to requests of the Bryansk, and wrote for his tragedy "Abufar" (translated from French). Bryanskij with K. Semenova played leading roles. The tragedy was a success and Bryansk first tasted triumph of the tragic actor, revealing a lot of soul and naturalness that was news then. While the actor is clearly unthinkable to abandon mastered psevdoklassicheskoy manners recital at the chant, natural, albeit masterful poetry reading was considered a humiliation art. The prince himself Shakhovskoi, belonging to the higher circles of society, actively following the progress of literature and theater, could not clearly contrary to the requirements of classicism, which reported, and his disciple. Almost the first time the teacher had been objected to by his disciple, Bryansk, where the artistic instinct told unnatural singing roles. Faithful reading and the true game of Bryansk wanted to win the age-old prejudices, were referred to us from the French. The second time Bryansk played in the tragedy of Voltaire's "The Chinese Orphan," in which well and clearly outlined the nature of the main person. But Yakovlev died (in 1817), and Bryansk opens wide road: he has successfully started to do some of the role of the deceased, and in "Othello" was recognized as a worthy successor Yakovlev. Only an artist with a remarkable talent could decide to play "Tancredi", in which Yakovlev, according to contemporaries, was unique. - Perform "Tancredi" strengthened him for the audience, loudly and warmly greeted him. But in 1820 came the famous tragedian Vasily Andreyevich Karatygin, speaking in the "blue eyes". They had, after several years of struggle with a happy opponent, give him some role in the tragedies and move on to senior roles - the noble fathers, the tsar and the arguer, still continuing to occasionally overlap Karatygina. And in this role in the Bryansk had many brilliant roles, such as the role: Philip in "Don Carlos", Hristierna in "John of Finland and many others. In addition to his talents, . Bryansk was an indispensable actor in virtue of its vast repertoire: the famous Talma played only 13 - 15 roles, . Rachel - 20 - 25 roles, . and Bryansk performed more than 30 major roles, . study of which cost him great effort and works: Iago (in "Othello"), . Kizlyar-Agha (in Roksolana), . Francis Moore (in "The Robbers"), . Miller (in "Intrigue and Love"), . Oedipus (in Oedipus in Athens "), . Stern (in the "blue eyes") and T,
. d. Bryansk not tried without success to execute and comic roles, playing Famusov in "Woe from Wit" in the "home performance" Zagoskina, "Aesop in Xanthus' Shakhovsky etc.. In 1841, the Bryansk left the scene, but the passion and the habit of the theater soon forced him to return to it. He went to a benefit of Ms. Dyur, in the comedy "Aesop from Xanthus, and was greeted with thunderous applause. Management offered him advantageous terms, and he remained to serve, having been on the scene until his death, February 20, 1853, Mr.. from an attack of cholera, quite unexpectedly, as his name bore the date of death on the bill: he had to play the role of Quasimodo in "Esmeralda". Wed. Repertoire and the Pantheon "(1853, N 6), as well as memories of his daughter E.YA. Golovacheva-Panaeva "Russian writers and artists" (St. Petersburg, 1890, p.. 1 - 30). A. Um.

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