Vladimirov Vladimir Dmitrievich( surgeon and chief medical officer Penza provincial zemstvo Hospital)
Comments for Vladimirov Vladimir Dmitrievich
Biography Vladimirov Vladimir Dmitrievich
(d. 1903). He published many works, . mainly on surgery: "On palatoplasty" (in "Proceedings of the Kazan Medical Association", . 1870 - 71 g.), "On the treatment of cholera" (ibid., . 1871), "On foreign bodies in the bladder," "Several new osteoplastic operations in the lower extremity" (Thesis, . Kazan, . 1872; addition to her in the "Protocols of the IV Congress of Russian doctors and scientists), . Loud fame Vladimirov got extremely witty operation, . he proposed, with some suffering the back of the foot, . that to him eliminated amputation: the affected parts of excising a wedge-shaped incision, . and the remaining healthy front straightens and stitched to the cut surfaces of both shin bone, . so that the artificially formed the so-called "horse's leg", . After preliminary tests on the corpse, Vladimirov made it to the brilliant success of the sick. The operation, however, was soon completely forgotten. In 1880, Mr.. professor of surgery at Konigsberg Mikulich, not knowing about the way Vladimir fired in one patient the operation is not very different from the operations proposed by Vladimirov. Following statements by Russian surgeons for Vladimirov was recognized priority of invention of this operation, with 1885. She called Vladimirova-Mikulichevskoyu and under this name is known in surgery.