Petrov, Gabriel( spiritual writer)
Comments for Petrov, Gabriel
Biography Petrov, Gabriel
(died 1801), p. 1783. Metropolitan of St. Petersburg; removed from the title in 1799. for refusal to accept the Catholic Maltese cross. His works: "Interpretations of epistles" (Moscow, . 1794), "Summary of Christian morality" (Moscow, . 1769, . 1770), "Collection of sermons on Sundays and holidays (St. Petersburg, . 1775); "Brief lectures on each day of the year" (Moscow, . 1781), "The ministry and chinopolozheniyah Church" (St. Petersburg, . 1792), . - See: Archimandrite Makarios, "Legend of the life and writings of Bishop Gabriel (St. Petersburg, 1857), and. Pokrovsky, "Christian Reading" (1901, II); Izvekov, "Letters to Gabriel" (ibid.).