Hertz Karl( archaeologist and art historian)
Comments for Hertz Karl
Biography Hertz Karl
(1820 - 1883). He graduated from the course at the philosophical faculty of Moscow University. He was a professor of the University and the keeper of the Rumyantsev Museum; constantly kept under different names, in the Moscow Gazette Division of archaeological and artistic News. Separately issued: "Historical Collection" (St. Petersburg, . 1847), "Catalog of sculptural department of the Moscow Public Museum" (M., . 1864, . 4 th edition), "Catalog engraving department of the Moscow Public Museum" (M., . 1866), "Archaeological topography of the Taman Peninsula," (M., . 1870, . Master's thesis), "Letters from Italy and Sicily" (M., . 1873), "On the state of painting in northern Europe from Charlemagne to the beginning of the Romanesque era" (M., . 1873, . doctoral thesis), etc., . Hertz's collected works published in 9 issues (1898 - 1901) Academy of Sciences. - Wed. A. Maleinos, "To. K. G. (St. Petersburg, 1912).